XPEC Entertainment created the platform game Kung Fu Panda. The game takes place in the Valley of Peace, a mythical ancient Chinese land populated by anthropomorphic animals. Po must fight through six places to prevent the villainous snow leopard Tai Lung’s ambitions, who has escaped prison.
How to Restore Nintendo Wii Save file
To restore Nintendo Wii save files using SD Card, you’d need to follow these steps:
- Firstly, insert the SD card into the Wii console, navigate to the Wii System Menu and select “Data Management.”
- Select “Save Data” and then select “Wii.”
- Choose the saved game data you want to restore and select “Copy.”
- Finally, follow the on-screen instructions to restore the saved game data.
Download Save file:
The game is 100% completed in this save file. It is saved after unlocking all characters and minigames.