Murder Legends Codes

Murder Legends is the ultimate Roblox game that doesn’t require a lot of time to play. You are going to be able to get involved in this thrilling murder mystery and enjoy everything it has to offer.

Active Codes

6000Use it to get 5000 Coins
E4ST3RUse it to get Coins
FREECASHUse it to get 6000 Coins
UPDATEUse it to get Flame Handblade

Expiry Codes

5000Use it to get for rewards
1MVISITSUse it to get for rewards
FALLUse it to get for rewards
FREECHROMAUse it to get for rewards
FREECOINSUse it to get for Coins
NETHERUse it to get for rewards
SOULUse it to get for rewards

How to redeem codes in Murder Legends?

To redeem the codes in Murder Legends, you have to follow the steps below: 

You will need to launch the game and tap on the Shop button on the left side. After that, input the code in the text box and strike the Enter button to receive a reward.