GraphoGame: Apprendre à lire

This game helps the child to learn the sounds of letters and groups of letters by simultaneously presenting the corresponding sounds (or words) and groups of letters.

Price: $ 2.99

Published on: October 1, 2022


The progression of the game is based on scientific data: the software was developed by linguists, neuropsychologists and speech therapists to help children – especially struggling readers – to reinforce the fundamental automatisms of reading.

“GraphoGame – Français” accompanies the child through different games with his own character that he makes evolve during the game. The player progressively passes to syllables, rhymes, short words and sentences and gradually learns to decode longer words. By playing 15 minutes daily, the child will improve his precision in decoding letters and words, and his reading speed.

The GraphoGame platform is developed by a community of researchers and game developers leading in Finland, while the French-speaking content of “GraphoGame Français” was developed by the Laboratory of Cognitive Psychology (CNRS) of the University of Aix-Marseille .