Gremlins, Inc. is a digital turn-based strategy board game developed by the game studio Charlie Oscar. The game can be played in single-player and multiplayer modes with up to 6 players.
Gremlins are tiny microscopic creatures who will take up residence in any place they can fit it. These gremlins hold money, prestige and political power very close to their hearts. They obtain these things by completing engineering projects. They also want an exclusive hold over all money and power. So, they spend time, money and everything to stop other gremlins from building something even more prestigious.
The game is set in the steampunk world of gremlins, every player has 6 cards and you can play until a certain time limit, a score limit or until agreed number of rounds. You can play against AI bots or your friends. You can participate in a duel or form teams to take on other teams. You can even support your friends when they are playing against other players by typing in encouraging and mindful messages using the spectator mode.
There are different kinds of cards in the game like secret, criminal, permanent and regular. There is a total of 201 cards in the main deck and each card boasts a unique hand drawn illustration. You can use these cards to move around or you can use them to perform different in-game actions. You can also combine different cards to get additional in-game actions. In addition to the main deck, you have 6 ‘chaos cards’ available at all times. You can use them to significantly alter the dynamics of the game. You can also interact with your opponent in a number of different ways. You can initiate conflicts, steal their cards and much more.
The game can be played on one of the two playing fields across 11 different locations. You can employ various strategies to play the game using multiple resources like bribes, malice, vote, income, score among others. The game has over 10 single player challenges in addition to custom challenges. In addition to that, multiplayer mode offers regular tournaments with thousands of players participating and a well implemented ratings system makes sure to match up players with similar skills sets.
You can fine tune each gaming session according to your liking. You can either enter a quick 20-minute duel or get into a 60 round 2-hour session. With automatic load and save features, you can take a break whenever you want.
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