Nordeste: A Cordel Story

In this exciting story, you’re José de Santana: a retired cangaceiro that lives peacefully in the calm city of Águas de Cristo while rests after a life of many fights. However, this peace won´t last long, because the landlord Evanil Rastafarra decided to expand his lands and is aiming to put all the territory of Águas de Santana under his control, an objective that the brave José don´t plan to let happen.

Price: Free

Published on: October 2, 2022


Nordeste: A Cordel Story is a free to play adventure game. You will play the role of a retired cangaceiro named José de Santana. A landlord wants to take over your city in order to expand his territory. You will need to battle against him and stop him from over taking the Águas de Cristo city.

Nordeste: A Cordel Story game is available for free on Google play store and you need a mobile phone with android version 4.4.0 or more to play the game.