Terra Incognita

Published on: October 2, 2022


Terra Incognita is an adventure role playing adventure game being released in 2015. The game is presented in the area of Terra. You will play the role of a young boy Alexis in the Terra Incognita game. You have to explore the land of Terra and discover about the history of this land. You can interact with the people there and can make a team by adding some characters into your side.

Terra Incognita is a complete story based game in which you have to battle against the enemies after making your team of characters. This would be a turn based battle in which you will be given equal opportunity to attack the enemies. Every character in Terra comes with unique skills and abilities. You can use these skills during the battle to take the enemies down.

Your team will get strong as you add characters in your team. You will be equipped with weapons and these weapons can also be upgraded with time. There will be some quotes given to you. You have to achieve them apart from battling the enemies. Terra Incognita game is designed with the original soundtrack and it is available to play on the computer systems.