Remnant 2 Weapons Tier List

Remnant 2 is an action role-playing game that was released in 2023. You have to choose your archetypes and equip different guns to attack the enemeis. You can also join other players in the multiplayer mode. 

All the weapons in Remnant 2 has their own utility in the game, so picking the right weapon is very important. Our weapons tier list will let you know which weapons are the best or strongest and which ones are less competitive.

S Tier weapons

The S Tier weapons are the most overpowered weapons in the game, and they can significantly impact the competitive aspects of gameplay. 

Aphelion, XMG57 Bonesaw, and Nightfall.

A Tier weapons

A Tier weapons are often some of the best options available to players.

Spectral Blade, MP60-R, Alpha/Omega, Sagittarius, and Cube Rifle.

B Tier weapons

B Tier weapons are considered one level below the A Tier weapons but are still very effective within the game. 

Dream Catcher, Sorrow, Enigma, and Labyrinth Staff.

C Tier weapons

C Tier weapons are generally considered the game’s weakest or least effective weapons. 

Atom Smasher, and Red Doe Staff.

We have covered every weapon in our guide, so that is all there is to say about the Remnant 2 tier list.