Shenmue III: How to Save Game

Shenmue III is an open-world, action-adventure video game developed by Ys Net. The game is part of the Shenmue series and is the successor to Shenmue II. The main storyline is based in Guilin, China around the 1980s and features a teenage martial artist named Ryo Hazuki as the main protagonist of the game.

Shenmue III offers players the convenience of an auto-save feature that consistently saves progress, alongside a manual save option allowing them to save their game whenever they wish. 

Shenmue III Auto-Save system 

The auto-save system of Shenmue 3 automatically saves your game whenever any significant moment happens within the game. The “Autosaving” word will appear on the screen, indicating your game is being saved.  

How to save the game manually?

To manually save your progress, you have to follow the instructions below:

  • Press the R1 button to open up the  inventory menu. 
  • After that, tap on the Save option to save your game progress. 
  • You can also interact with the bed at Shenhua’s house to record your progress.  

We have covered all the methods to save your game in Shenmue III.