Splatoon 3: How to Save Game

Splatoon 3 is a third-person shooter game and the third game in the series. It features different playing modes where you have to choose your character and embark on an adventure to fight adversaries. You can wield different weapons to bring the enemies down. 

Splatoon 3 includes an auto-save feature that automatically keeps track of your progress throughout the game. This means players don’t need to manually save their game since the system does it for them, ensuring that their progress is recorded without having to worry about manually saving.

Auto-Save system

Splatoon 3’s auto-save system promptly saves your progress without much delay. You will find a Splatoon 3 icon when you’re progressing in the story mode. It shows your game progress is being saved.

We have covered the method to save your game in Splatoon 3.