This guide will let you know how to add new dealers in GTA 5 Online, and to make a profit margin with numerous street dealers on different days. It is a new trick that is recently added in this game, especially for solo players to sell different items. You need to follow the guide to gain as much profit as you want.
First of all, you should know that you can only get three new street dealer locations in a single day. These locations are represented by a purple chat bubble in the map.
Dealer 1
You must have different products either in running businesses or at nightclubs to sell them to dealers. These products include weed, crystal, cocaine, and acid. Per unit, the cost of each item is mentioned in the menu of the street dealer.
Dealer 2
Now, go to another dealer and check the per unit cost of each item which is similar with the exception of cocaine having a bit less price compared to the previous dealer.
Dealer 3
First, you need to check the price of each item in the listings and compare it with other dealers. It can be seen that the price of almost all the items is similar, but in the case of meth (56250$ base cost), making a huge profit (10550$) than others.
After selling these items to the dealers on the day first, you will get a total net profit of 30,100$ from weed. However, the net profit for meth, cocaine, and acid will be 10,550$, 4,250$, and 26,750$, respectively.
Dealer 1
So on the second day, you can make more money (126,530$ gross profit),.
Dealer 2
But from a second dealer, based on the cost of each item, you can make a gross profit of 127,730$ on the second day.
Dealer 3
Similarly, the gross profit of 18,710$ can be made from the third dealer on the second day. In this way, you will get a net profit of 197,470$ on the second day which is an insanely epic profit for solo players.