The Secret Of Hollywood Motel Walkthrough

You will arrive at Motel 8 on a dark and bitterly cold night in late October. The air is crisp and clean, and only the sound of rustling leaves accompanies you on your walk toward the Motel entrance. It’s been over 20 years since the horrific murder spree occurred at this forgotten place. As a police investigator and grandson of the late actress Nettlebaum, you have decided to take it upon yourself to solve this mystery once and for all. Who was the murder suspect, and what was their motive for killing off an entire crew of actors? You are determined to solve this mystery and bring justice to a case buried decades ago.

  • First, go into your inventory, and grab this letter and a diary from inside it.
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  • Now open your diary and read this page to get a clue.
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  • After that grab this screwdriver from the signboard of the Motel into your inventory.
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  • Go to the motel office and press these buttons this way to unlock the door.
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  • Now grab this bee and item coaster from the front table.
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  • Open the diary again and go to this page to get another clue.
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  • Slide the painting from the front wall and see this secret box.
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  • Go to this page from the diary.
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  • Use this pattern to unlock the secret box.
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  • Once the secret box is unlocked then grab a wooden dial and coins from inside.
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  • Go into the furnished room and grab a compass from the right side.
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  • Then grab this sponge from the stairs into your inventory.
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  • Go to the next page from your diary, find a clue, head towards the downside stairs, and use this sequence to unlock the door.
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  • Go downward, turn into the right side room, and grab this half piece of the calendar.
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  • After that grab this bulb from the left side of the board into your inventory.
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  • Go to the upper floor and unlock the safe using this sequence.
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  • Once opened, then solve this puzzle to make this painting and open the door.
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  • Then go to the disco hall and talk to the director.
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  • Now go back to the inventory and open this letter from inside.
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  • After that grab this chisel from the floor.
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  • Use this pattern to unlock the switchboard.
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  • Go into the kitchen, clean the plate with the sponge from the sink, and compare it with a clue from your diary.
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  • Now go to the forest and see this girl along the tree.
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  • After that go to your inventory and open this note.
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  • Go to the store room using the stairs, and use the chisel from your inventory to unlock this fragile box.
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  • Once opened, use this pattern to unlock a few items.
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  • Then grab these items from inside.
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  • Go to the forest and grab this ladder near the tree.
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  • Now go to the tree house and get a couple of bees from the spider web.
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  • Go inside the house and grab glyphs from inside into your inventory.
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  • Put this glyph into the switching board at this place.
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  • Once the pattern is correct then these lights will be lit up.
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  • Go outside and put this pin (2705) on the security keypad.
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  • Once the pin is placed, then unlock the airport’s door.
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  • Open the diary from your inventory and put the baggage from the ramp into this sequence.
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  • After putting the baggage in the right pattern the doors will be unlocked.
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  • Then go into your inventory and open this note from the bag.
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  • Put the wooden dial from your inventory and rotate this dial in this way.
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  • Now grab a fuse from the switchboard.
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  • Then put the wires into this sequence to unlock the door.
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  • Grab a key from the ground near the hunted jumbo plane.
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  • Put the ladder from your inventory near the jumbo jet’s door. Then use wires from your inventory into the switchboard.
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  • After that go to the airport lobby and see this girl near a car.
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  • Now open the note from your inventory to get a clue.
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  • Afterwards, go to the Motel room in the upper portion, and put a bulb from your inventory into this missing switch.
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  • Put all the bulbs in this sequence to unlock the side door.
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  • Go through this door, and solve this puzzle to unlock the door.
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  • Then go inside to see this character near the swimming pool.
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  • Now go to your inventory and see this note from your diary.
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  • Go to the haunted house next to the swimming pool to grab the pink diamond from the right side sofa.
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  • Put the brass handle from your inventory on this box.
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  • After that, go to the airport and put this handle in this position in the car.
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  • After that grab this disc from the right side.
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  • Use this key to unlock the door from the airport lobby.
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  • Now go outside and put these discs in this pattern to unlock the wall.
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  • Go inside the wall, once it is revealed after putting in the correct combination.
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  • Right after, grab the car light from the bench.
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  • Put the compass on the handle, set it in this pattern, and grab the ship wheel.
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  • Now go to the room near the clock tower, and play this game.
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  • Again play this game in this way to unlock another door.
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  • Once the pattern is correct then put the wheel inside this place and rotate it in this pattern to unlock the room’s door.
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  • Go inside this room and put blue and pink gems from your inventory into the lion’s eye.
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  • Then grab these items from the left-side corner.
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  • Now put the reel in this place.
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  • After that go outside and grab the weight of the items from the bridge.
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  • Go to the room near the balcony and hang this weight on to remove the curtain.
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  • Then put the disc from your inventory into this place.
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  • Go to the next room and rotate the switch to turn the light on and grab this pot from inside.
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  • Use a brush from your inventory to clean this place.
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  • Use the door to go outside, and put these flags in a sequence to unlock another door.
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  • Use this sequence on the box to unlock the door.
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  • Go through the door to the hallway to see this character.
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  • Now open this note from the inventory.
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  • Put a vase on the bridge outside, to get the missing part in a straight line.
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  • Go into this car and grab a wrench into your inventory.
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  • Now hang the weight and tires with the iron chains in this way.
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  • After that talk to this character in the walkway.
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  • Now open this note from the inventory.
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  • Then grab the mallet from the right side pillar.
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  • Put the color sequence in this way to unlock the front door.
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  • Go inside the room and use this sequence to open the left side door.
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  • Go to the room and make this pattern of alphabets on the boxes to get a skull.
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  • After that put a sequence of locks in this way to unlock the middle door.
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  • Go inside the room, and use a mallet to knock the beat in a sequence as mentioned to grab the poker chips.
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  • After that, use this pattern to unlock the extreme right-side door.
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  • Go inside, and use the wrench to unlock the bolt.
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  • Then put the bars in this pattern to unlock the bars.
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  • Go through the stairs behind the bars and put the skull head on the belly of the monster.
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  • Afterwards, put the light dots in this sequence to break these tiles.
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  • Now use a spade on this tree to remove the wooden piece.
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  • Grab the blue rose from the tree.
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  • Put this rose near the grave next to the tree.
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  • Put the wires on the switchboard to exit through the VIP door.
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  • Use a screwdriver near the door to unlock the door.
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  • Put the fuse from the inventory on the left side and make the sequence in this way.
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  • Go to the graveyard again, and put heart-shaped gifts on one grave and poker chips on the other.
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  • Once these are put in the sequence then this board will appear.
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  • Put all the movies box in this sequence.
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  • Now put these reels in this sequence to turn on the light bulbs.
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  • Then place the tickets in this pattern to get down the board.
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  • In the end, go through the open hole seen behind the board which leads towards this building.
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