The Ultimate Blade Tools Guide – Cyberpunk 2077

Blades are one of the most deadly weapons in Cyberpunk 2077, with entire builds being constructed around them. Combining it with Poison and Bleed perks and using Sandevistan to slow down time, bladed weapons can become highly lethal and game-breaking. This guide will look at the axes, machetes, and chainsaws and rank them according to their strengths and weaknesses.

Perks and Cyberware Required

Players looking to get the most out of these tools should choose this skill distribution for their attributes. This particular skill distribution favors Technical Ability, Cool, and Reflexes attributes. The skill distribution is as follows; Body 10, Reflexes 17Technical Ability 20Cool 18, and Intelligence 3.

In the Blades section of the Reflexes attributes, the following perks are unlocked: Fiery Blast, Stuck Pig, Sting Like A Bee, Slow and Steady, Unbroken Spirit, and Bloodlust. From the Cool attributes, Cold Blood perks that increase the damage with melee weapons should be unlocked. The crafting perks such as True Craftsman, Grease Monkey, and Edgerunner Artisan perks should be unlocked to craft legendary gear.

In the Cyberware section, this build focuses on two main cyberwares. The legendary Optical Camo is an essential cyberware. It grants you invisibility, which allows you to sneak up and close to enemies while wielding melee weapons. Secondly, the legendary Qiant Sandevistan MK.4 should be equipped as the main cyberware on your operating system slot. This Sandevistan has a relatively low cooldown period, allowing players to frequently use Sandevistan to slow down time and inflict deadly and critical strikes on enemies.


The legendary Kukri is a large curved knife hailing from Nepal. It has a base DPS of 1,161, with an 11% Critical Chance, 34% Critical Damage, and a 20% Bleeding Chance. This weapon can be obtained by visiting the West Wing Estate melee vendor and buying its Legendary crafting spec for $38,500 eurodollars.

Players will require the Edgerunner Artisan perk to craft it then perfectly. For less financially safe players, the Jackson Plains weapon vendor has a Rare crafting specification for this weapon. Alternatively, Coach Fred in V’s apartment building has a Common crafting specification for players with light wallets. The Kukri can also be obtained by looting Voodoo Boys’ hideouts in Night City.

The Kukri resembles the Katana in terms of stats, although the Kukri deals a bit more damage and a lower attack speed than the Katana. The Legendary variant has three mod slots which should all be equipped with Kunai mods. Each Kunai mod increases the speed of your weapon by 0.3. Altogether, it adds one extra swing every second with the Kukri machete. Equipping the Kunai mods will increase the weapons’ swing to 3 swings every second. The Kukri Machete sports a modern, sharp look, amplified in Cyberpunk 2077.


The legendary Machete is similar to the Kukri in terms of damage. It has a base DPS of 2,131. It has an attack speed of 3.41 attacks per second. The rest of the stats are similar to the Kukri. The Machete is available in three different-looking variants in Night City. The classic futuristic Machete shape can be obtained by buying the Legendary crafting specification from the West Wing Estate melee weapons dealer for $38,500.

The Machete is perfect for hacking through your enemies in confined spaces. The second variant can be obtained by fighting Valentino members in the suburbs of The Glen. They’ll drop a neat-looking variant that can be looted and added to your collection. The third and most impressive-looking of the three can be looted from the Maelstrom gang members. The Maelstrom gang operates in the Northside area for players looking to find Maelstrom gang members.

The third variant sports a much more crude razorblade look of the Machete, with the quote, “Maelstromers don’t fear pain, but they know how effective it can be,” inscribed on the blade. It’s easily the most savage-looking of the three. The Machete has a medium reach, deals high damage, and sits somewhere between a knife and a katana in terms of damage. For players interested in the hack-and-slash nature of the long blades, they can go right with Machetes.


The Tomahawk is a cherished video game weapon, popularised by Assassin’s Creed 3 and Call of Duty BlackOps. In these games, the nifty Tomahawk can be thrown at enemies, extracting heavy damage, and serves as an alternative to a grenade. Alas, in Cyberpunk 2077, the Tomahawk can’t be thrown but is a very effective melee weapon. It packs a DPS of 2,131. The Tomahawk is primarily a small axe, but it’s quick and gruesome, hacking out limbs with its superior attack speed of 4.44 attacks per second.

The quick-swinging Tomahawk is a mighty fun weapon, easily severing enemy limbs with a 20% bleed chance. Three empty mod slots are available, which can be filled with either Kunai or Cold Shoulder mods to increase attack speed or damage further.

The legendary crafting specification is purchasable from the West Wing Estate melee weapon vendor for $38,500. Players can also buy the ready-made Legendary variant from the same vendor for $50,450. The Tomahawk is easily one of the most gruesome weapons in the game, perfect for those with an appetite for gratuitous violence.


The Claw is a longer axe blade that does more damage than Tomahawk due to its lower attack speed. It has a base DPS of 1,216 and an attack speed of 1.61. Swinging the Claw makes the same coll metallic clang when wielding the Tomahawk. It has three empty mod slots, which should be equipped with Kunai mods to increase its attack speed.

Added in Patch 1.6, this weapon has no crafting specification available. The ready-made epic variant can be acquired from the West Wing Estate melee weapon vendor for $32,705. Alternatively, players can test their luck as the legendary variant of this deadly weapon can spawn during the Regina Jones gig “Catch a Tyger’s Toe” in Megabuilding H6.

The Claw can easily dismember enemies and sever appendages, although with a reduced 15% Bleed Chance. Players will need a minimum of 10 Body attributes to wield this weapon effectively, but Gorilla Arms can be equipped as a quick hack to this obstacle.


The Razor is a long, heavy machete superior to all machetes. Resembling an orcish cleaver, the Razor extracts maximum damage and is brutally effective against enemies. It boasts a base DPS of 1,181. Its attack speed of 1.32 may be slow, but it allows it to deal more damage per hit than other machetes.

Due to its heavy weight, it requires a minimum of 10 Body levels to wield it, but Gorilla Arms can be equipped to mitigate this problem. The Razor can be purchased from the Animals melee weapons vendor in Rancho Coronado. The Razor embodies the hack-and-slash nature of these bladed weapons, and players can audibly hear the difference when attacking human targets compared to attacking robotic enemies.

The Razor is one of the most gruesome weapons in the game, severing limbs effortlessly, and should be used in a Body-oriented build. The heavy Razor is available in military silver, bloodthirsty neon red, and a golden pimp. The Golden pimp colour resembles the weapon wielded by the infamous yet cryptic FF06B5 statue.


What happens when you combine a machete and a chainsaw? Well, you get the deadly Cut-O-Matic. The Cut-O-Matic is a cheap, shoddy, motorized chain sword. It ranks at the top of this list as it’s effective as it’s noisy. Seriously, it’s quite noisy that any chance of stealth goes down the drain. Turning it on will scare any inhabitant of Night City away and alert enemies nearby. The Cut-O-Matic makes up for this with the tremendous damage it deals to everything it touches.

With a base DPS of 1,005 and a low attack speed of 1.22, there’s no superior weapon when used in a Sandevistan build. The Cut-O-Matic is an extremely bloody weapon. Severing and cutting off limbs of your enemies is a common occurrence, and one or two swings of this weapon are enough to down any enemy. It is the ideal weapon for players with an appetite for mindless gratuitous violence. It transforms V into an obtusely violent version of himself, and seeing it in action is terrifying.

The Cut-O-Matic can be acquired from the Animals weapon vendor in Rancho Coronado. For players experiencing this spot as a hostile area, switch on the Optical Camo and then purchase from the vendor. Introduced in Patch 1.6, this weapon currently has no crafting specifications. The initial equipping animation for the chain sword involves pulling a cord to initiate the chainsaw, and the sound of the motor will surely wake everyone in the area. Kudos to the developers, too, as striking robots will produce a harsh metal-on-metal grinding sound from the Cut-O-Matic. The Cut-O-Matic sets itself apart from other melee weapons for its fun, gruesome, and uniquely exceptional way it is used to butcher enemies.

That’s all from this guide. Remember to equip Gorilla Arms for heavy weapons and use a combination of Optical Camo and Sandevistan to increase your damage from these weapons.