The Ultimate Silencers & Muzzle Brakes Guide – Cyberpunk 2077

Gun Modifications in Cyberpunk 2077 have two main categories. Silencers and Muzzles have been a part of shooting games since their advent, and they offer multiple benefits, in addition, to looking aesthetically pleasing on your preferred weapon. The Silencers are used to make silent shots and get stealth bonuses and damages. The Muzzles Brakes activate ricochet damage, angle, and spread, helping players down enemies quicker. This guide will rank all 14 of these muzzle breaks and silencers available in Cyberpunk 2077 and list their strengths and weaknesses.

Perks and Cyberware

The build used to test all the silencers and muzzle breaks is fairly simple. It prioritizes Reflexes, Technical Ability, and Cool. The Skill distribution is as follows: Body 10, Reflexes 17Technical Ability 20Cool 18, and Intelligence 3. In the Engineering section of the Technical Ability attribute, the Play the Angles perk upgrades ricochet to deal 50% more damage. Additionally, the Draw the Line perk helps preview bullets’ ricochet trajectory. In the Handguns section of Reflexes, perks that boost critical chance and damage are equipped. The Strike from the Shadows perk in the Ninjutsu section of the attribute Cool helps increase critical chance while sneaking.

For the cyberware, The Qiant Sandevistan MK.4 is equipped in the build’s main operating system slot. This cyberware helps to increase Critical Chance by 15% whenever Sandevistan is activated. The legendary Optical Camo is also equipped, granting users invisibility, allowing players to sneak on enemies and get stealth bonuses from various silencers.

CS-1 Taipan

The CS-1 Taipan silencer has the worst stats of all the silencers in Cyberpunk 2077 and is only available in the common tier. It sports the classical cylindrical silencer shape and doubles the damage multiplier when attacking from stealth. The CS-1 Taipan removes any bullet ricochet and reduces overall damage by 30%. It can be purchased from Robert Wilson at the Second Amendment store.

It’s an early game silencer, and as we progress more in the game, it stops becoming readily available, as the other three silencers are vastly superior to the CS-1 Taipan. The problem with this silencer is that early-game weapons need to be better to One-Shot enemies from stealth. Additionally, it is incredibly difficult to get a damage bonus as stealth goes away after the first shot, and Enemies don’t have to see us get into combat mode. Then, players are left with a silencer with a horrible 30% damage reduction and are rendered useless.

It can work with Death & Taxes, an excellent stealth pistol that only becomes available later in the game. Kongou is a powerful pistol, but slapping the Taipan silencer on it robs it of being an exceptional early-game ricochet gun. Attaching it to ARs and SMGs won’t take out enemies fast enough before triggering combat mode, owing to its massive 30% damage reduction. It’s a very limited common silencer with even more limited usage, except in the early game.

RC-7 Kutrub & Yokai

The first Muzzle Break on this list is the RC-7 Kutrub, a pistol muzzle, while the RC-7 Yokai is the muzzle break for ARs and SMGs. Both of the muzzles help with the gun’s ricochet ability. Depending on the tier, the ricochet angle starts at 5° for the Common tier and extends to 25° for the Legendary tier. Similarly, the Ricochet chance starts at 10% at the Common tier and increases to 50% at the Legendary tier. Both of these muzzles reduce bullet spread by 40%. The RC-7 Kutrub & Yokai muzzles can be bought from Robert Wilson at the First Amendment store.

These muzzles give out one extra Ricochet at Epic and Legendary tiers. They’re ranked low because their unique ability lies in reducing the spread of bullets and does not increase damage. Sure, the reduced spread allows for slightly more accurate shots, but when utilizing the incredible power of ricochet, ricochet is generally quite accurate, and picking a reduced spread over increased damage makes it a bad choice.

Compared to a higher-damage muzzle, players won’t have to use that many bullets as players will utilize with this muzzle. For players who like to shoot from a long distance and not ricochet, the RC-7 Kutrub & Yokai muzzles will allow your luckier shots to get through and inflict damage.

RC-7 Dybbuk & Varkolak

The handgun muzzle, RC-7 Dybbuk, Assault Rifle, and SMG muzzle, the RC-7 Varkolak, are ranked above the previous ricochet muzzles. Both in the Epic tier increase ricochet angle by 20° and ricochet chance by 40%. They also reduce recoil and spread by 12%. More importantly, both muzzles increase ricochet damage by 55%, with a downside of halving Critical Chance. Both are available to purchase from Robert Wilson at the First Amendment store, and if they don’t show up, refresh a few times and check again.

The legendary variants of these muzzles are very difficult to find and require a lot of luck, as RNG spawns are the best chance to obtain them. They increase all the base stats of the muzzle vastly, and a noticeable difference can be felt between the lower-tier variants.

Compared to other muzzles, their ricochet damage needs to be more serious, and improving a gun’s accuracy for the sake of ricochet is insignificant. The RC-7 Dybbuk works better with heavier pistols such as Death & Taxes and Dying Night. The Death & Taxes pistol’s accuracy improves vastly with this muzzle, while the automatic Dying Night also records reduced recoil and better accuracy by equipping this muzzle. However, there are other muzzles with better stats.

XC-10 Cetus

The uncommon XC-10 Cetus offers a 2.5x damage multiplier when attacking targets from stealth. The silencer increases Critical Chance by 5% while reducing base damage by 25%. The Cetus silencer also disables any bullet ricochet. This silencer should be used with a gun with a high critical chance and moderate critical damage, and four Penetrator mods should be equipped to increase your critical chance by 12% further. It can be obtained from Robert Wilson at the First Amendment store.

Using perks, you can boost your Critical Chance even more. The High Noon perk gives you a 6% additional Crit Chance with Handguns. The Westworld perk gives us a 5% additional Critical Chance when your Handguns are fully moded. The Strike from the Shadows perk gives you a 7% increased Crit Chance while sneaking, while the Brainpower Perk gives you another 7% Crit Chance for five seconds after a successful headshot.

Adding all of the perks totals an insane 42% increased Crit Chance, but it only works in the late game. In the early game, the moment the enemy enters combat mode, all your bonuses are gone, and the silencer is a weight on your gun, reducing 25% damage from each bullet fired.

XC-10 Strix

Another silencer, the uncommon XC-10 Strix, is in the running for the best silencer. Compared to the Cetus, it reduces more base damage (30% compared to 25%) but makes up for it by doubling the critical chance by 10%. The trade-off is worth the increase in damage reduction, and players won’t have to rely on late-game perks to increase their Crit Chance.

The Strix silencer can be bought from Robert Wilson at the Second Amendment store. The Strix can be attached to automatic weapons, boosting their Crit Hits overall, but the same worry of remaining in stealth remains. Players can use instant melee takedowns or use weapons that one-shot kill enemies.

The Death & Taxes pistol is an ideal weapon with the Strix silencer, with the perks boosting overall Crit Chance around 37.5%. This handgun One-Shot enemies as it spits out two bullets simultaneously, increasing its damage and with more chance for a bullet to be critically fatal.

RC-7 Zaar

A muzzle primarily for Assault Rifles and SMGs, the epic RC-7 Zaar muzzle break can be purchased from the Second Amendment store. The RC-7 Zaar increases the ricochet angle by 20° and ricochet chance by 40%. It reduces spread by 20% and increases the ricochet damage by an incredible 100%. The only drawback, it reduces the Crit Chance by 50%. Players lucky enough to find a legendary variant of this muzzle can experience a 140% increase in ricochet damage.

The Zaar muzzle isn’t the only muzzle with increased ricochet damage. Others on this list can boast even more increased numbers. The bullet spread sets it back slightly, as increased accuracy doesn’t translate to bigger damage numbers; players use more bullets. It is a medium-tier muzzle, ranked right in the middle of this list.

XC-10 Alecto

The best silencer in the game, the XC-10 Alecto is ideal for those looking to craft a Hitman-inspired build. It is also the only silencer that comes in the Rare tier. The XC-10 Alecto gives out a 2.5x damage multiplier when attacking from stealth. It reduces base damage by 15% and disables any ricochet. The Alecto has a clean, sleek, modern look and a polished appearance, like a professional.

The base damage reduction is quite low compared to other silencers, so players won’t have to balance it out using Critical Chance perks from the attribute table. It can be purchased from Robert Wilson at the Second Amendment Store. Paired with a Death & Taxes handgun, it will One-Shot enemies from a distance. It will retain more damage and is the best silencer in the game to attack your enemies silently and lethally.

RC-7 Aswang & Liger

The RC-7 Liger and RC-7 Aswang muzzles are for pistols, and ARs & SMGs, respectively. The epic variants of the muzzle breakers increase the ricochet angle by 20° and the ricochet chance by 40%. The Aswang muzzle increases overall damage by 17%, while the pistol muzzle Liger increases overall damage by 16%. This muzzle is a nice modification for players looking not to use the ricochet mechanic in the game.

Adding three Crunch mods to your weapon can only otherwise equal this amount of additional damage. The Aswang and Liger Muzzles are one of the top muzzles in the game and can enhance any player’s gameplay and weapon damage. These muzzles don’t increase ricochet damages, so they aren’t the preferred option for this guide. But if a player has nothing better, these two will get the job done.

RC-7 Ifrit & Strigoi

The second-best muzzles, the RC-7 Ifrit and Strigoi are for Assault Rifles, SMGs, and pistols, respectively. The epic variant of these muzzles increases the ricochet angle by 20° and the ricochet chance by 40%. Both the muzzles reduce recoil by 20% while increasing the ricochet damage by 100%. The only downside being is that Crit Chances are halved. They both can be bought from Robert Wilson at the Second Amendment store.

The stats are identical to the Zaar muzzle, but with one important change, the weapon recoil is reduced instead of reducing the weapon spread. This modification helps the user utilize the ricochet tactics and keeps the gun stable enough for accurate shots. Weapons with heavy recoil, such as the Problem Solver, become excellent ricochet weapons, and aiming the weapon becomes easier too.

These muzzles boost your ricochet damage while your aiming becomes much more effortless. Playing with and without these muzzles, the difference is a gigantic one, as they make your gameplay much more comfortable and easier. They are highly recommended for those who play with many automatic weapons.

RC-7 Babaroga

The most effective muzzle, the RC-7 Babaroga, stands apart from the rest. It deals out the most ricochet damage with a whopping 175% extra ricochet damage at Epic Tier. Unfortunately, this is a handgun and pistol-only muzzle, as strapping this on automatic weapons would be too overpowered. As with other muzzles, the epic variant of the Babaroga muzzle gives a ricochet angle of 20° and a ricochet chance of 40%. The only downside, Crit Chance is halved. The Babaroga muzzle break can be purchased from Robert Wilson at the Second Amendment store near V’s apartment.

The Babaroga muzzle is worth equipping on every pistol/handgun a player can find. The ricochet mechanic in the game is way overpowered, and adding 175% extra ricochet damage makes any handgun or pistol deadly and god-like. The Death & Taxes and Kongou handguns are transformed into deadly One-Shot weapons. The automatic Dying Night uses fewer bullets to dispatch enemies, and not a single bullet is fired directly at the enemies. The Babaroga muzzle packs double the ricochet damage as the next best muzzle, and the difference between it and the others is astronomical. Highly recommend this muzzle for your handguns.

Adios! That’s all from this guide. Remember to unlock the Richochet and Crit Chance perks in the Reflexes Skill tree to increase your damage and become more efficient with your weapon.