This guide will provide you with over 20 weapon tips for Battlefield 2042. These tips will affect your Gunplay or weapon handling and mechanics.
Easy unlock weapons and attachments
You can unlock all weapon attachments in Solo matches against AI, and you will need 360 kills for Primary Weapons to unlock all attachments, which equals Mastery 12. Once you reach Mastery 12 and unlock all attachments, your kills will only count in multiplayer. It also works for weapon attachments with assignments, and you can unlock all season content added to the game. It helps to get used to a weapon and try out different setups.

Self-spotting while shooting
You will get spotted on the minimap when shooting your weapon without a suppressor. A red dot will appear on the enemy’s maps and disappear when you stop shooting.

Effect of light and heavy suppressor
It is recommended to use a suppressor to counter this. You can choose to use a light or heavy version of the suppressor. If you use the heavy suppressors, you will have complete mini-map stealth. When you use a light suppressor, you will have limited minimap stealth, meaning that only enemies within 20 meters can see you on the map. But suppressors will reduce your Firepower and range depending on the type.

Stealth Hitmarkers
You can combine the heavy suppressor with subsonic ammunition to be even sneakier and then have a stealth hit marker. After that, the hit marker the enemy receives when you’re shooting at them will reduce, and it will not have an arrow anymore. It will be harder for the enemy to identify where they’ve been shot from. Remember that it only works with a light suppressor and the weapons that have this option.

Subsonic is better than standard ammo
The Subsonic deals more damage than the standard ammo between 30 and 40 meters but has a slower bullet velocity and reload speed.
Stealth weapon exceptions
Some exceptions from the spotting and stealth system; are BSV-M, Ghost Maker R10, and all vault weapons. BSV-M always has limited minimap stealth because of its barrel attachments, and stealth hit markers with all ammo types. When you use the attachments, the flash suppressor will act like a light suppressor, so there’s no minimap spotting on a distance of more than 20 meters with a normal hit marker. The normal suppressor acts like a heavy suppressor, which means full minimap stealth, and you will also have a stealth hit marker.

ADS Speed of Optics
The higher the zoom of an optic, the slower it aimed at side speed. The fastest Optics are the fusion Holo and iron sights. Equipping a simple Hollow side in the first slot is recommended, then switching to a higher magnification when necessary.
Optics changes with Cosmetics
All legendary weapon skins change the size and style of one specific optic. For example, the obsessed Varian skin for the M5 A3 changes the style of the ghost hybrid from round to square. So check your collection for legendary skins and the Optics they come with.

Scope Clint
Scope Clint is very important when you play with any weapon. All the optics with more than 5 times zoom have a Scope Clint when you aim down sights, and all Optics with a five times Zoom or lower won’t have a Scope Clint. The sniper rifle with four-time scopes will not Scope Clint, while assault rifles with six-time Scopes will Clint.
Scope Clint exceptions
There are two exceptions: the SW-S10 and GVT 45-70. The SWS has a scope clInt with the Raven four times, while any other optic lower than 6 times doesn’t make clint. The GVT does not have a scope client; even with the six times, you will stay unnoticed when sniping with this rifle.

Sprint to fire speed changes.
Your sprint-to-fire speed differs for the different sprint types. You can fire your weapon immediately when encountering an enemy when you walk or normally sprint. But you will have a short delay with a faster traversal sprint. Using the normal Sprint instead of the traversal Sprint to fire faster is recommended.
Stance advantages
Your stance also affects your Gunplay because it affects your weapon’s recoil. When prone, your weapon’s vertical and horizontal recoil will be reduced by 15 percent, and when crouched, it will reduce by 10 percent.
Stance advantages visible in Crosshair
When you crouch or prone, the lines of the Crosshair will move closer to the middle dot. When you deploy the bipod, the Crosshair will be smaller; when it’s not deployed, it will be wider.

Fire mode Crosshair Indicator
The fire mode of your weapon can be really helpful if you don’t want to look to the bottom right of your HUD. When your Crosshair has dashed lines, it is in burst fire mode; when it has four full lines of your weapon, it is in Auto fire. When the top line is missing, it’s in the single-fire mode. To switch to fire mode, press V on the PC.
Advantages of Fire mode
Switching fire modes for different situations from fully automatic to single fire is highly recommended. When firing a weapon in a single fire, you will have 20 fewer bullets spread and 20 percent less horizontal and vertical recoil. It comes in handy for weapons with strong recoil or long-range shots.
Alternative Fire mode
The alternative burst or fully automatic fire mode on other weapons is recommended. These are the NVK P125, G57, and BSV-M; you can set the two pistols to burst fire, making them much stronger in close combats. BSV-M has a fully automatic fire mode that makes it one of the best weapons in the game; you must set the burst or autofire mode of these weapons again every time you join a new server.

Plus-Menu ammo
If you run out of ammo with a weapon and no ammo crate is nearby, you must switch to another ammunition type with the Plus menu, giving you full reserve ammo.
Hold the trigger
Hold the trigger to prevent your soldier from reloading or chambering the next round, as it comes in handy for Sniper and marksman rifles or long-range shots in a single fire. You can follow the bullet’s trajectory and check if it hits the target. Once you release the trigger, the soldier will repeat as usual. Getting a feel for the weapon or an ammo type is helpful.
Steady Scop faster
For sniper rifles, you need to set the steady scope to the same Button as aimed at the sides so that your soldier will hold their breath the moment you aim down sights, and you won’t have to hold any additional button.

Headshot Multipliers
All the weapons have a multiplier of 1, but it differs greatly for the head. The sidearms and SMGs have a multiplier of 1.25, so it’s better to spray and pray than aim precisely for the head. The only exceptions are M44 and MP412 Rex, with a multiplier of two. Assault rifles and all SMGs have a multiplier of 2.15, and the marksman rifles are messed up. BSV-M and M7 have a multiplier of 2.2, and the V-car is at 2.15. The sniper rifles are much more consistent and have a multiplier of four, so you must go for the headshot. The same goes for the Ghostmarker 10 and GVT, but it’s different for the shotguns because it depends on the ammo type you use.

Secret Reloads
Some weapons in Battlefield 2042 have secret reloads. These weapons include PBX, M60, M16, M416, MP412 Rex, MP443 and the Mark 6 revolver.