26 Animal Crossing Features That Never Returned

Kickable sports balls.

Copper tells you where to find visitors.

Washing Gracie's car.

Permanently golden trees.

Weather vane and butterfly For your house exterior.

Playable NES games.


Lighthouse duty.

Drop multiple items at Once.

Cherry blossom festival.

The dump.

Functional journals.

Monthly raffles.

Ask villagers for jobs at any time.

Item Trading that doesn't require internet or local play.

Islander that lives separate from town.

An island bungalow that all players can share.

Earn a statue of you.

A Functional gyroid.

Toss a coin into the wishing well on new year's day.

Have multiple towns without needing another system or game.

Buy grab bags of random items on sale day (Black day).

Sports fair.

15-villager towns.

Resetti comes out on Groundhog Day.

Kill a snowman.

Bonus. Pete delivers mail.