9 Facts of GTA Ranked Vehicles

Most Expensive Vehicle

Z Type is the most expensive car in the entire GTA series.

Z Type

This costs $10,000,000 in GTA 5 story mode.

But this costs only $950,000 in GTA online.

Ruiner 2000 is the most expensive car in GTA online.

Ruiner 2000

This car in heavily based on the "Kitt" from the Knight Rider TV series.

Unlike Z Type, we can't get this one for a lower price anywhere.

Fastest Vehicle in GTA Series

Pyro is the fastest Vehicle in any GTA game!


It is said that this Aircraft can reach speeds of approximately 210 knots [~241.5 mph] when it's above 900 feet.

But the recorded top speed is 222.75 mph [ 358.48KM/H].

Biggest Land Vehicle in GTA Series

Flatbed is a huge Vehicle in GTA series.


The Dump is the largest land Vehicle in GTA series!

The Dump

Even outer diameter of a tire is twice bigger than Franklin!

Fastest Vehicle Under Water in GTA Series

From all submersible Vehicle, Toreador is the faster!


Toreador has a top speed of ~ 50 KMPH underwater.

Slowest Vehicle in GTA Series

From all GTA games, Dozer is the slowest!


Max speed is only 11 MPH.

Smallest Vehicle in GTA Series

RC Cam is the smallest "Vehicle" in GTA series, but this can not obtained without mods.

RC Cam

Even thought this is one of the RC vehicles, this is the only one we can " Drive, get in and out" when spawned.

This can not be seen in any mission in the game but it available in game files.

When mods are not considered, Kart is the smallest.


Fastest Bike in GTA Series

Deathbike is the fastest bike in GTA series.


Recorded top speed of this bike is 150 MPH.

Strongest Vehicle in GTA Series

We have many special vehicles like bullet proof, fireproof, damage proof in GTA series.

But this one is all proof! nothing can destroy "BMX" and "bike" in GTA San Andreas.


Fastes Car in GTA Series

Dcelot Pariah is the fastest car in GTA series.

Dcelot Pariah

Recorded top speed of this car is 136 MPH [218.87KM/H].