How To Get A Foreign Ditto - Pokemon (BDSP)

First you need to finish the Pokémon league and register all 150 Pokémon to the Sinnoh Pokedex.

Then you will have to get The National Dex and The PokeRadar from the professor by talking to him in the Sandgem town.

Now use the pokeRadar in the grass on route 228 to have a chance to get a ditto!

Click the Town Map option.

You will find a wild ditto from this location.

Gotcha! Ditto was caught!

Next you need to press “Y” then Global Room!

Select Yes, with a link code! To enter the global room!

Select Yes, to save your adventure so far!

Now enter this code 44484448!

Most of the time people using this code will be trading a ditto! you can check the region of the ditto by pressing "Check Other Pokémon".

Now have a chat with Erwin to trade ditto!

Select ‘Trade it’ to trade your ditto for your trade partner’s ditto!

Sending Ditto to Erwan, Good-bye, Ditto!

Dittos were exchanged successfully!