Glaceon: How to Get and Learnset - Pokémon BDSP

Receive Eevee from Bebe

Bebe's house is to the right of the pokemon center in Hearthome City, go there.

If you talk to her, she will give you an Eevee.

You have to bring Eevee to your group.

Level up Eevee near the icy rock in route 217

If you want to evolve Eevee into Glaceon, you must raise it to at least level 10.

At the tall grass surrounding the ice Rock at Route 217, you can do it there.

If you want to evolve Eevee into Glaceon, you need the Ice Rock.

At the back of the northernmost house on route 217, it can be found.

It's located near some tall grass.

The experience level of your pokemon can be increased in two ways. By battling with it or by using a Rare Candy.

Glaceon Type

Glaceon is an ice-type pokemon.

Glaceon Weaknesses and Resistances

It has a weakness against fire, fighting, rock, and steel pokemon.

It is strong against ice-type Pokemon.

Glaceon Abilities & Hidden Abilities

Glaceon is a pokemon which has an ability called Snow Cloak.

In addition, it has the hidden ability’ Ice Body.

Glaceon Learnset

By leveling up, here is it's Learnset.

Let's look at Glaceon's Learnset by Tms.

Let's take a look at glaceon's Learnset via Egg Moves.