The Big Score Obvious, Gold GTA 5 (Walkthrough)

The mission is now starting, The Big Score.

Get into a car and drive to the bank.

Drill through the wall into the bank vault.

You have to turn on the drill.

You have to park the cutter out of the way by the wall.

You have to place explosive charges on the vault doors.

Security is coming for you, shoot them.

You have to defend Chef from the NOOSE team.

More cops are on the other side of the tunnel, you can shoot them with a sniper rifle.

You have to defend against the NOOSE team.

You have to fly out of the city.

You have to escape with Norm Richards.

Police chopper is after you as well to shoot it down.

You can also take out the chopper using a sticky bomb.

Take out the merryweather chopper.

You can use rockets to take them out.

You get into your getaway car and lose the cops.

You have to follow Karim Deriz.

Three choppers are after you.

Lester will take them all out.

You have to drop the gold into the train car.

Now you have to land at the airfield.

The mission is now completed.