Duplication of DemiGod's Power of Remembrance in Elden Ring
First, you will need to go to the Castle Sol Main gate grace.
And climb to the top of the castle.
Clear 4 enemies (0/4).
Clear 4 enemies (1/4).
Clear 4 enemies (2/4).
Clear 4 enemies (3/4).
Clear 4 enemies (4/4).
After that, go back to walking giant turtle.
Hop on turtle building.
And find the door.
Door doesn't open.
You will need to attack all skeletons on a leg.
Attack all Skeletons on the second leg.
And then wait for the turtle building to fall down.
You have to find the door and enter the turtle building.
Examine remains.
Duplicate a remembrance.
After that, fast travel to Roundtable hold.
Talk to Enia.
And receive a power from duped Remembrance.
You have to get scepter (already have full Moon).
Fast travel out.
And equip Carian regal scepter.
Memorize full Moon spell at grace.
Then try the Full moon spell.