Evolution of SHOTGUN in GTA Games!

Grand Theft Auto 2

Grand Theft Auto III

Grand Theft Auto Vice City

Stubby Shotgun

Combat Shotgun

Pump Shotgun

Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Sawed-off Shotgun

Pump Shotgun

Combat Shotgun

Grand Theft Auto Advance

Grand Theft Auto Liberty City Stories

Pump Shotgun

Stubby Shot Gun

Grand Theft Auto Vice City Stories

Stubby Shotgun

Pump Shotgun

Combat Shotgun

Grand Theft Auto 4

Pump Shotgun

Combat Shotgun

Grand Theft Auto Lost and Damned

Combat Shotgun

Pump Shotgun

Sawed-off Shotgun

Grand Theft Auto  The Ballad of Gay Tony

Combat Shotgun

Pump Shotgun

Grand Theft Auto CTW

Pump Shotgun

Double Barreled Shotgun

Grand Theft Auto 5

Pump  Shotgun

Sawed-off Shotgun

Bullpup Shotgun

Assault Shotgun

Musket Shotgun

Heavy Shotgun

Double Barrel Shotgun

Sweeper Shotgun