History Revealed to Aloy: Horizon Zero Dawn (Story)

So here in 2033 Theodor Faro founded FAS.

First this company made devices like focus then body guard robots but other big companies easily overshadowed FAS back.

In 2040's in this universe, major changes are seen in the whole world due to climate change.

In 2020 a 20 years old prodigy Elisabet Sobeck completed her PHD in robots and artificial intelligence and Ted Faro hires Elisabet as a junior scientist.

Due to the climate change FAS made green robots due to which FAS gets good success.

USA's yellowstone volcano due to the climate change destabilised and was about to destroy half of the world.

Elisabet's technology and providing funding to Ted Faro's project fire break.

They made a massive complex in yellowstone, An AI controls it called Caldera of Yellowstone Analytics.

This AI auto governs this volcano to stabilise it.

With this move FAS becomes very popular, people titled Ted Faro, man who saved the world.

Thanks to Elisabet's technology in 2049, FAS performs a major role for improving climate change and here FAS becomes the world's number 1 company with the market capitalization of over $32 trillion.

However, the same year in 2049 stops making green robots and enters military market and made FAS a major military contractor.

With this move Elisabet leaves FAS and makes her own company called Miriam Technologies.

Just because she leaves his company he keeps on bringing lawsuits against her company.

FAS is now making a chariot line of peacekeeping, Ted Faro oversees it's development command.

These chariot lines of robots include corruptors, death bringer and metal devil.

These three robots are sold together in a swarm and special things about these Chariots are that metal devil can itself replicate chariot line.

If more corruptors and deathbringers are required, this metal devil can make them by itself. To make metal devils quickly, it can only replicate itself.

Corruptors can hack military hardware like drones and etc but most importantly if they run out of fuel, they can use biomass as fuel to work forever and biomass means soil, air, water, humans, plants, animals.

These chariot lines of machines can use them as fuel. To make them hack proof, Ted Faro said to his engineers not to make a back door in their os.

So in short whoever own these robots can only control them.

To increase the tension between two nations who are about to war, Ted sells his robots to both of the nations.