How to Beat "Corrupted Monk" Boss Battle - Sekiro

Boss Tips: Combat Trip 1: The first and second HP Node can be stealth-killed.

1st Hp Node: To the right, grapple hook onto the Tree.

Proceed to the further left across the branches after grappling onto the tree to the bridge's right.

For Deathblow, lock on & jump on the Monk.

You will need to close in before jumping on the monk, if the deathblow indicator is not showing up.

2nd Hp Node: There is a Tree Furthest away from the idol, grapple onto it.

In a set location, the corrupted Monk will use an illusion. Use Deathblow from the tree furthest from the idol.

You have to position yourself close above the corrupted Monk.

There is also a grapple point that you should try to remember. If you do it, it will help you in the future.

For Deathblow, lock on & Jump on the Monk.

You will need to close in while the Monk casts her spell, if the death blow indicator is not showing up.

Combat Tip 2: Shinobi Firecracker is Recommended.

With the Firecracker, you can stun the corrupted Monk.

Alternating between Firecracker and Attack on the 3rd HP Node deals massive damage to finish off the boss.

Notable Attacks

Notable Attack 1: Quadruple slash then Perilous thrust

Learn the timing and attempt a mikiri counter, this combo is one of the Monk's most often used moves.

Notable Attack 2: Use Quintuple Slash (3rd Phase).

At the start of her 3rd phase, this move is always used.

Keep your distance to be safe if you're not confident but ideally, you should parry every hit.

Notable Attack 3: Use Perilous Acid Attack.

This attack is a slow one. It gives you the opportunity to avoid it, and then counterattack.

Jump back to your right to avoid the attack, if you can't tell the motion apart from a perilous slash.

This is a way to dodge one of the attacks.