How to Make a Dawnguard Vampire Slayer Build in Skyrim - Part 2

In his basement.

Another behind the bar in the retching Netch.

Inside glover Mallory's house.

Inside Morvayn Manor.

Upstairs by the door.

Well why not?

Benearth the Northern Maiden.

Train Archery with Faendal everytime you level up.

Take your gold back by trading with him.

You can buy more lockpicks from Fethis if you run  low.

Save - Attack - Reload save to reset his inventory.

There's another pendant in Crescius Caerellius' house.

And another inside the Bulwark.

There are another two within Raven Rock mine.

But you'll need to fight to reach the second one.

Ditch Faendal.

And hire Teldryn Sero from the retching Netch.

Into the temple.

Speak to Elder Othreloth.

The Pendant is in the Northernmost grave.

Don't fight the Ash spawn they will destroy you.

Venture south out of Raven rock.

Loot the dead Redoran guard.

Head to the Wreck of the strident squall.

And find the pendant in the Cargo hold below deck.

Just northeast in Hrodulf's house.

Do negative damage to the Ash spawn.

Let Teldryn do the work.

The strongbox in inside the cabinet.