How to Make a God King Build in Skyrim - Part 1

Straight outta Mt Olympus.

Heavy swings.

Light Imperial armor for selling later on.

Heavy for wearing.

No explanation required.

Armsman 3 for an easier early game.

Here we go.

Oh my god.

No messing around.

What 2000 hours of skyrim looks like.

Easy mode.


You have to grab 7 Mora Tapinella between the Helgen exit and riverwood.

And the thief stone.

Then straight to whiterun.

To the drunken Huntsman.

And read the battle of Champions.

Get a ride to solitude.


Up to the temple of the divines.

Blessing of Zenithar for better prices.

And gold to a beggar for +10 speech.

Sell off the light armor from Helgen.

Then back up to castle dour.

Speak to the Legate.

If wearing Imperial armor, you don't have to pass the speech check.

Overpowered armor set.

Go to the smith.

Buy a pickaxe.