How to Make a God Mage Build in Skyrim - Part 1

Who put this horse here?

Short bursts with flames to increase the damage over time.

Collect valuable items for selling later on.

And pick up the mage gear in the cell.

Flame on.

Collect 7 Mora Tapinella between Helgen and Riverwood.

Pick up the Mage stone.

Then visit the Dead Thalmor to the southwest for some valuable items.

Then north of the standing stones for a Flawless Emerald.

You need to be careful of the Wolves.

Don't neglect Mora Tapinella.

Bounce down to Riverwood.

Pick up the free items from Gerdur.

Then hit the road to Whiterun.

Stop by the Meadery for a few bottles.

Then get the cart at Whiterun stables to solitude.

Make your way up to the temple of the Divines.

Grab the Blessing of Zenithar for better buying/selling prices.

And give gold to a beggar for a further boost.

Sell off the items you are hoarding.

Head to the blue palace.

Buy Flame Atronach and Soul Trap from the Court Wizard.

Back to Riverwood and kill the crab across the river.

Get soul Trap to level Conjuration (won't work with the unofficial patch.)

Get the cart of Falkreath.

And go to the Pub.

In the room to the right of the bar, find the Mysterious Altar book.

Follow the marker to the Roadside ruins.

Keep your distance from the Spriggan inside.