How to Make a God Mage Build in Skyrim - Part 3

From the Whiterun stables, ride west into the plains.

You will eventually reach Goldenhills.

Once inside, head downstairs and press the button.

Read the journals in both bedrooms.

The sword can be found at the old well.

Place the sword to finish the quest and be rewarded with the homestead.

Head back to Riverwood and buy a pick axe.

You need to mine some stone behind the pub.

Then grab the axe and chop some wood by the river.

Head back to the farmstead and build the exterior decoration.

Plant 20 Mora Tapinella, 12 Creep Cluster and Scaly Pholiota.

Head upstairs and sleep for 3 days.

Collect the harvest.

Repeat until you have around 300 of each ingredient.

Switch to the Thief stone.

Then head to the Windhelm docks and get the ship to Solstheim.

It is a terrible service.

Go down to the Retching Netch.

Rent a room and get some sleep for the well rested bonus.

Combine your ingredients until you hit 60 alchemy.

Then head to Fethis and buy 4 grand soul gems, sell your potions to cover the cost.

To reset his inventory/gold - save - attack - reload save.

After you sell all your potions, you should be left with a tidy amount of gold.

You have to visit Glover.

And buy materials to make around 120 iron daggers.

Also grab a weapon with the Turn Undead enchantment, then switch back to the Mage stone.

Head back to solitude and sleep at the winking skeever.

Make the daggers.

Drop and carry them, so you don't get over-encumbered.