How to Make a Princess of Dread Build in Skyrim - Part 2

But you can make them better. Cross the river next to riverwood.

Take out Mr Mudcrab.

Take the child.

Cast soul trap to level conjuration (won't work with the Unofficial patch installed).

Get to level 50.

With the Mystic Bindign perk bound, swords will be at the same tier as Daedra.

Get a ride to solitude.

It’s a beautiful city.

Up to castle Dour.

Speak to the Legate.

As long as you have Imperial armor on, you won’t need to pass a speech check.

Busted late game armor.

Sell the shield for some easy gold.

Then ride to Marthal.

Head to Myrwatch.

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge.

Oi get back here.

Flames on the seal.

Home sweet home.

A lot of goodies in here.

Harvest the garden.

Grab some leather.

And the Corundum Ingot.

Make hunter Backpack.

Looks stupid but adds +75 carry weight.

You need to plant 7 Mora Tapinella.

2 scaly Pholiota.

And 1 creep cluster.

Then sleep for 24 hours.