How to Make a Royal Knight Build in Skyrim - Part 4

Leave the kids outside.

With the buff still active cast turn undead on the skellies.

Do this until you reach player level 23.

Waiting 10 days in whiterun.

Will give enough time for Glover's basement to respawn.

Don't forget to grab the letter again.

You can repeat this as many times as you like.

Blackguard's sell for a lot.

Speak to Shadr in riften.

Then take Sapphire's deal.

Give Shadr the good news.

After this you should find Sapphire at the thieves guild.

Drop all but my letter on the ground.

Give the letters to sapphire one at a time.

For Exquisite sapphires.

Return to Glover for a banished weapon.

Use save - attack - reload quick save to search.

Head to the college and buy petty and lesser soul gems.

Save and hit him until he aggros.

Reloading the save will reset his store so you can buy more.

Enchant your iron daggers with banish.

Once you run out of gems, sell the daggers to glover.

Use this money to buy resources for 130 more iron daggers.

And buy more soul gems.

Enchant your way to 100 enchanting.

Head to Solstheim and wait until night.

Teldryn doesn't need to see what's about to happen.

Enter the alor house.

Dunmer shoes act as a chest item when enchanting.