How to Make a Stealth Archer God Build in Skyrim - Part 2

Shire of Mephala for 10% better buying / selling prices.

You have to sell off your dragon weapons and the rest of the imperial armor.

Off to the pub.

To meet up with an old friend.

Back to the Whiterun stables and buy the wild horse map.

Then northwest from the stables to find a red stallion.

Tame it.

Fast travel back to Helgen.

And follow the road across the mountain.

To Ivarstead.

Just south of the Ivarstead bridge is a bunch of Scaly Pholiota.

You have to collect 12.

Should have 20 Mora Tapinella, 12 Creep Cluster and 12 Scaly Pholiota.

Go back to Riverwood and cut some wood.

And mine some stone behind the pub.

Then from the Whiterun stables ride west.

To Goldenhills Plantation.

Follow the quest markers.

And hit the button downstairs.

If only getting a house was this easy IRL.

Build the Exterior Decoration.

Plant the crops.

Then head inside and wait / sleep for 24 hours.

After planting, the first harvest will grow in 24 hours (72 hours for the 2nd onward).

Farmers life for me.

Keep going until you have around 400 of each.

To riverwood.

Ditch Teldryn.

And pick up Faendal.