How to Make a Stealth Archer God Build in Skyrim - Part 6

You can then make it legendary and repeat for unlimited levels and perk points.

Once you are done power leveling, get a cart to winterhold.

Grab more snowberries.

And join the college of Winterhold.

Have Teldryn wait again.

Find Colette.

Buy turn lesser undead.

Then down to the Midden.

And cast turn undead on this good looking rooster.

Level up restoration (you can upgrade turn undead as you level to make it faster).

For the Necromage perk.

Begin the thieves Guild quests.

Now that you are in, you can train archery with Niruin.

You have to complete the next task in the thieves Guild questline.

Ohh dear think they Found Teldryn.

After getting back, you should find Brynjolf in the training room.

Throw all your gold into a nearby chest then take out around 500.

Save and reverse pick pocket the gold onto brynjolf.

Then take the gold back to level up pickpocket reload the save if you fail.

It levels super fast.

Pick up the perfect touch perk.

It will let you pickpocket off enemies increasing damage against them.

Plus it's funny.

Get back to the thieves guild quests.

Mercer you slug.

Ok mate just chill,, am just here for some drawings.

Hiding in plain sight.

Somebody better lose their job over this.

Yes yes, very interesting.