How To Make an Overpowered Archmage Build in Skyrim - Part 5

You will need to drop off Serana.

And become a vampire.

Now you are a bloodsucker, you can buy Turn Lesser undead.

Throw on the enchanted restoration / alteration items.

And then head down to the Midden.

You have to cast Turn Lesser undead to level restoration rapidly.

Once you hit 65 restorations, you can buy a circle of protection.

Spam it to max out restoration.

Get Necromage (boosts self effects by 25%).

And get some healing spells.

And continue buying destruction levels until 90.

Then, you will need to head to Redwater Den.

For telekinesis in a cage in the first cavern.

You have to cast telekinesis on an item.

Then fast travel holding.

It will instantly level alteration to 100.

After that, make a new alchemy set with your higher levels.

The buffs will come out super high thanks to necro mage.

And make even stronger enchanting potions.

Then, you will need to make a set of OP mage gear.

These are also boosted by necro mage.

Smash 100 illusion by spamming muffle.

For destruction training, you have to find everybody's favorite Thalmore.

You will need a few more things to finish it off.

Plant some nightshade and glowing mushrooms in the garden.

You can buy both from alchemists.

And use them to make the fortify destruction pots.

They will boost your damage a lot.

To boost magic resist, you will need to grab the lord stone.