How To Make Conjuration Build Early in Skyrim - Part 1
Race: Breton = 25 magic resist and 25 conjuration off the bat.
Another day in paradise.
Wise words.
Into the keep with ralof.
Take the high value gear $$$.
Get wolfy to help out.
He helps a lot with legends.
Escape prison.
Get naked.
But boots on for ultimate style.
First to the dead thalmor for dat $$$.
Then anise's cabin.
Take all her veggies.
And get the flawless emerald.
Bit a wolf on wolf action.
Bounce to riverwood.
Check barrels for more veggies.
Good boy.
More veggies.
Just met you but yeah thanks.
Sell a couple of heavy items to free up weight.
You can also hit up faendal's place for a bit extra $$$.
Two girl's dress in here.
What the hell.
Somebody has been naughty.
Make your way to whiterun.
And cart to riften.
Head north to the guard towers.
Lockpick the chests in the 3 towers.