How to Make Dremora Lord Build in Skyrim - Part 1

You will need to go into the Keep with Hadvar.

He will ask," Who are you, and what have you done with Ralof?"

To get the horns, you will need to use the console commands.

If on console, you need to remain a dark Elf (it will not affect gameplay).

You have to set your race as Dremora (it will make you taller).

Then type Showracemenu.

Setrace darkelf for the horns.

Then setrace back to Dremora to add warpaint.

Finally, setrace back to darkelf to avoid game crashes.

After that, take out some storm cloak traitors.

Grab a two-handed sword and beat on hadvar.

And get the garlic in the storeroom.

Just before the bear.

Train more on Hadvar and then escape.

You will need to collect any blue butterflies.

Get the thief stone, and head up to Anise's cabin.

Execute order 66 and get more garlic.

You also have to take a safe container to store items.

After that, head west from Anise's into the drink.

Until you get to the lady stone.

Just south of the stone, you will see a mast sticking out of the water.

You will need to harvest all the nordic barnacle.

Then head back to the falls near the Guardian stones.

And use flames to catch salmon.

To collect salmon roe.

After that, bounce to Riverwood.

Borrow garlic from the houses in river wood.

And take the veggies from the garden.

Then, you will need to head out of Riverwood towards Whiterun.