How to Make Dual Wield Build in Skyrim - Part 1

Into the keep with Hadvar.

Lol JKS.

Make sure to collect the high value Imperial gear.

Train 40 one-handed on Ralof.

Escape Helgen.

Get the warrior stone.

Clear out the bandit camp just down from Helgen.

Use Berserker Rage for an easier fight.

Camp location.

Grab the map and any other Valuables.

Head to the dead Thalmor at the Talos shrine.

Shrine Location.

Cross the river to Anise's Cabin.

Anise's cupboard can be used as storage (items area safe).

Just below the cabin is an emerald.

Emerald location.

Follow to map to the teasure (in the big log near riverwood).

Head into riverwood.

Speak to Gerdur and grab her supplies.

Grab all the potato, leek, cabbage and tomato in riverwood.

Also check barrels and sacks as you play for more veg soups.

Head to the whiterun stables.

And get a lift to riften.

Head northeast to the shrine of Zenithar.

Shrine of Zenithar location.

Lure the spider back to the guards.

Both the amulet and blessing give 10% better prices.

Back over to whiterun.

Gold to beggar for gift of charity (+10 speech).