Kojima's Secret in Cyberpunk 2077

Examine the tweet from July, 2020.

Real Hideo Kojima face.

In-game Hideo Kojima face.

Mission "The Heist".

You have to enter the Arasaka tower.

And scan the palm to continue.

After that, follow Jackie.

Choose the "look around" option here.

You need to look around for Hideo Kojima.

Thus far, the biggest problem with braindance has been its expressive limitations - the scrolls are too simplistic.

Laughter means comedy, horror means fear, and romance means love and passion. It's the same as movies that rely on genre tropes.

There is more to capturing emotions than that.

It is important to convey real, raw human emotions.

Take, for example, the feeling when you combine happiness and melancholy, or being calm with an underlying sense of anxiety.

These complex, realistic feelings and emotions are aspired to recreate, woven into much better stories, of course.

Talk to Oshima (Kojima cameo).

Did you bring a pitch for me?

Oshima: Yes, what is it?

Oshima: Apologize, I simply do not have time for this.

Oshima: You know my work?

Zoom in on face.

Watch again zoomed in.

Cyberpunk promotion (Real).

Computer graphics version.

Real life twitter photo.

Look at the audience.