Guarma Animals in Red Dead Redemption 2

Step 1

The first Guarma animal in RDR 2 is Cuban Land Crab.

Step 2

The next one is Green Iguana.

Step 3

The third Guarma animal in RDR2 is Scarlet Macaw.

Step 4

Another Guarma is Blue and Yellow Macaw.

Step 5

And the next one is Great Green Macaw.

Step 6

The sixth Guarma animal is Red Footed Booby.

Step 7

And the next one is Sunglow Boa Snake.

Step 8

Red Boa Snake is a Guarma animal on number 8.

Step 9

Anoter one is Rainbow Boa Snake.

Step 10

The next animal in the list is Fer De Lance Snake.

Step 11

And lastly, there is Green Turtle.