How To Learn Ultimate Moves For Your Starter - Pokémon (BDSP)

First you need to finish the Pokémon league and register all 150 Pokémon to the Sinnoh Pokedex.

Then you will have to get The National Dex and The PokeRadar from the professor by talking to him in the Sandgem town.

Now you need to go to the Resort Area.

Click the Town Map option.

Go through route 229.

Now move on to route 228 and talk to the NPC found in the house on this route.

Select Yes, when asked Would you like to use another one?

Select Yes, When asked Would you like to use Rock smash? To break rock!

Enter into the house.

Have a talk with NPC. he will teach any of your starter Pokémon their ultimate move.

There is a list of Pokémon's to train (Any final evolution from Gens 1-4).

Select Yes, when asked shall I teach ultimate moves to your pokemon?

Choose pokemon to which the NPC should teach Moves.

Click Select to choose one pokemon like Empolean!

Select Yes when the NPC asks should i teach hydro cannon to your empoleon?

Now select a move to forget and replace it with a new one like a hydro cannon to learn.

Select Yes!