Tah Muhl Shrine: 100% Complete (All Chests)

Step 1

The first thing you have to do is enter Tah Muhl shrine (Edin Region).

Step 2

And break the wooden boxes behind leaves.

Step 3

Then jump over to the next room.

Step 4

You will need to break through here to get chest 1.

Step 5

And break the wooden boxes to get chest 2.

Step 6

The next thing you have to do is break the wooden boxes below the ramp.

Step 7

After that, switch to the fast swinging sword.

Step 8

You can use Stasis on the ramp.

Step 9

Hit ramp a lot of times with the sword.

Step 10

Go on ramp and hang the glide down.

Step 11

Retry until you hang the glide to the top ledge.

Step 12

Drop down next to chest 3.

Step 13

And open chest 3 to get a small key.

Step 14

Carefully hop on chest 3.

Step 15

After that, jump, and hang glide over the barrier.

Step 16

The next thing you have to do is open the door with a small key.

Step 17

Finally, you can open chest 4.