Things You Forgot To Do in Red Dead Redemption 2

Boogie dance on horse: You will need to ride a horse and keep the O button pressed.

Then alternately press L1 and R1 buttons.

Play god (reverse choke and revive NPCs): Punch guy off horse (O button).

And press the O button when behind the guy.

You have to knock out NPC.

And then loot the NPC (optional).

At this stage, he is usually dead.

But he can revive if you go far away.

You will see NPC wake up again.

Find out if you can go to Mexico by boat: Row a boat to Mexico as Arthur.

And find out the Loch Ness Monster destroys boat.

Drink witch stew to temp cure Tuberculosis: With tuberculosis, you can't fill your heart.

You will need to go to this location.

Loot the chest.

And examine the crow.

After that, drink the Mysterious Liquid.

You will wake nearby.

Your health is full.

You have to burn stew and get the BBQ crow.

Hand stand horse: Ride up boulder and get off horse.

Go back to see front standing horse.

Find out what is true love: Talk to Abigail while on ranch in Epilogue.


Locate Ancestor of Skynet (terminator): Creator cries over broken robot.

Robot kills creator in Epilogue.

Learn bear secrets: Learn how bear people by example.

You can use the lesson to survive your own encounter.

Enter cave of giant while he is talking: Go to cave giant location.

You need to enter cave before he stops talking.

And look for the cave giant inside cave.

Bigfoot really is invisible.

Photograph ghost train: Look towards this location at 3:00AM.

Take out camera.

And take a picture of ghost train at 3:00 AM.

After that, go in a social club.

Then look at photos in the social club.