What Happens When the DMZ Timer Gets to ZERO in Warzone 2

In this guide, you will find what happens when the DMZ TIMER gets to ZERO in Warzone 2 (Final Extraction).

1- First, boot up your game and then go to the map, there will be a huge radiation kind of point that is spreading out everywhere else. So it’ll originate from this location; if you’ve ever done the way to unlock like the M13, you have to go into this little Zone.

2- After that, put on radiation blockers and gas masks, then go ahead and reduce the exposure to radiation. But it is going to essentially just expand throughout the entire map.

3- So you do have time to maneuver around. To extract when this timer runs out, you just have to be very careful at the locations that you want to go to. If you manage to outrun The Zone, it will have a countdown timer starting around 77 seconds and it will display at the centre of the screen.

4- When the timer gets down to one second, you will have 11 seconds to go ahead and get to your destination. So you can see there is another countdown timer on the left side of the screen, it is at one second right now and here is the final timer.

5- The final extraction point is finally getting to the point where it is enveloped by radiation. When the timer gets to zero, you will be thrown out of the game and you will die.