Where to Find The Sunflora For Artazon Gym Test In Pokemon Scarlet & Pokemon Violet

In this guide, you will learn where to find the Sunflora For Artazon Gym Test In Pokemon Scarlet & Pokemon Violet.

To find the first one, you have to make your way to the gym and you will find it sitting behind the gym.

The next one is located just in front of the vending machine near the gym. You have to speak to them and they will start following you.

There’s another one just playing with some hoops on the grass.

To find the fourth one, you have to go up to the ice cream store.

After that, move back to the climbing frame near the jungle gym and you’ll find the next one there.

Now you need to head toward the field where you started and you will find three of them there.

After that, make your way to the left of the buildings and you’ll find one outside the fence behind the tree.

Follow the path to the right and go behind the shop with the black and red banner to find the last Sunflora.