This guide helps to beat Lu Bu Boss in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty. You have to be patient and don’t use your weapons against this boss.
You need to do is pop your stat screen up and put 15 points into wood virtue for extra health. It is recommended to go in there with your Jewel swords.
Once the fight starts, you will find Lu Bu on his horse. He will spin his weapon on the ground and fire arrows at you. You won’t take any damage if you’re guarding. You must go into this boss fight solo so that you will have all the aggro.
You need to rely on your deflecting, defensive ability, movement and guarding moves. Knock Lu Bu off his horse and the horse will start running around the arena and deals damage to you. You need to be defensive here and deflect the attacks of Lu Bu.
This fight will take a bit of time. Your timing really matters when it comes to deflection. You need to deflect when Lu Bu comes for a special attack glowing red or charging at you. After that, follow up with a spirit attack. When Lu Bu is on the ground, he can follow up with another special attack. So you need to be careful.
Don’t rush this boss fight, you need to be defensive and approach the fight with patience. You can use the Frost Lance at Lu Bu every time he comes off his horse.
You’ll have enough time to do it. and then follow up with a spirit attack. You will lower the high end of the spirit gauge for Lu Bu with the spirit attacks. It is the best opportunity to deal extra damage.
You must take Ching long to restore your health when it comes to your Divine Beast. It will also give you extra health and then, you must use the resurrection. Lu Bu will start using his special attacks and arrow attacks more when you get his health about halfway down.
You need to learn the timing of these attacks and be patient to knock these out. It is recommended to grab every marking flag and battle Flag around the battlefield. It will take a little while to get this boss taken down.