180 Dendroculus Locations – Genshin Impact Sumeru Desert 3.1

There are a total of 271 dendroculus in Genshin impact, but only 180 dendroculi are available in Version 3.1 (70 new dendroculus in the desert). Important note: Make sure you complete the Golden Slumber quest, dual evidence, and Afratu’s Dilemma to fully unlock the Sumeru desert to collect dendroculus.

Location No.01Location No.02Location No.03Location No.04Location No.05Location No.06Location No.07Location No.08Location No.09Location No.10Location No.11Location No.12Location No.13Location No.14Location No.15Location No.16Location No.17Location No.18Location No.19Location No.20Location No.21Location No.22Location No.23Location No.24Location No.25Location No.26Location No.27Location No.28Location No.30Location No.31Location No.33Location No.34Location No.35Location No.36Location No.37Location No.38Location No.39Location No.40Location No.41Location No.42Location No.43Location No.44Location No.45Location No.46Location No.47Location No.48Location No.49Location No.50Location No.51Location No.52Location No.53Location No.54Location No.55Location No.56Location No.57Location No.58Location No.59Location No.60Location No.61Location No.62Location No.63Location No.64Location No.65Location No.66Location No.67Location No.68Location No.69Location No.70Location No.71Location No.72Location No.73Location No.74Location No.75Location No.76Location No.77Location No.78Location No.79Location No.80Location No.81Location No.82Location No.83Location No.84Location No.85Location No.86Location No.87Location No.88Location No.89Location No.90Location No.91Location No.92Location No.93Location No.94Location No.95Location No.96Location No.97Location No.98Location No.99Location No.100Location No.101Location No.102Location No.103Location No.104Location No.105Location No.106Location No.107Location No.108Location No.111Location No.112Location No.113Location No.114Location No.115Location No.116Location No.117Location No.118Location No.119Location No.120Location No.121Location No.122Location No.123Location No.124Location No.125Location No.126Location No.127Location No.128Location No.129Location No.130Location No.131Location No.132Location No.133Location No.134Location No.135Location No.136Location No.137Location No.138Location No.139Location No.140Location No.141Location No.142Location No.143Location No.144Location No.145Location No.146Location No.147Location No.148Location No.149Location No.150Location No.151Location No.152Location No.153Location No.154Location No.155Location No.156Location No.157Location No.158Location No.159Location No.160Location No.161Location No.162Location No.163Location No.164Location No.165Location No.166Location No.167Location No.168Location No.169Location No.170Location No.171Location No.172Location No.173Location No.174Location No.175Location No.176Location No.177Location No.178Location No.179Location No.180

Location No.01

Teleport to the statue located south of Maytiyima Forest and head south. Teleport with the stars and glide east towards the mountain.

Glide towards the dendroculus.

Location No.02

Head back to the same mountain and head southeast. Use the star to teleport and collect the dendroculus.

Location No.03

Head northeast and climb up the mountain. You can regenerate your stamina by climbing toward the yell0w flower. Use the star to teleport and collect the dendroculus.

Location No.04

Glide northwest and collect the dendroculus.

Location No.05

Glide northwest from the previous location.

Location No.06

Head south and teleport with the star to traverse faster. The dendroculus is at the ground level.

Location No.07

Teleport to Maqtiyima Forest west waypoint and glide northeast. The dendroculus is in the middle section of the glowing mushroom.

Location No.08

Glide northeast and teleport with the help of the star. You might have collected this dendroculus when doing the Aranyaka quest series.

Location No.09

Teleport to Maqtiyima Forest southwest waypoint and glide southwest.

Enter the cave, explore further, and you will find the dendroculus on top of a big leaf.

Location No.10

Teleport to Mawtiyima Forest west waypoint, glide northeast and try to reach the ground level.

Enter the cave and glide northwest. Teleport with the star to traverse faster. Perform a dendro attack on the rock to reveal the dendroculus inside.

Location No.11

Teleport to Mawtiyima Forest west waypoint, glide east, and climb up the mountain.

Glide west towards the dendroculus floating mid-air.

Location No.12

Teleport to the Palace of Alcazarzaray east waypoint and head northwest.

Climb the tree and the dendroculus is at the top of the building.

Location No.13

Teleport to the Palace of Alcazarzaray west waypoint and head west towards a bouncy mushroom and a blue mushroom.

Look up towards the sky and swing upward with the help of the star to collect the dendroculus.

Location No.14

Glide north from the previous location and collect the dendroculus floating n the cave.

Location No.15

Teleport to the Palace of Alcazarzaray west waypoint and head southeast. The dendroculus is floating below the platform.

Location No.16

Teleport to the Palace of Alcazarzaray west waypoint, head west, enter the cave and explore further.

The dendroculus is inside a buddle. Collect dendrograna and perform charged attacks on all 3 floating targets to remove the bubble.

Location No.17

Head southeast and you will find the dendroculus on top of the pillar.

Location No.18

Teleport to the Palace of Alcazarzaray south waypoint, head south and you will find this dendroculus floating beside the waterfall.

Location No.19

Teleport to Sumeru city west waypoint and head west. This denderoculu8s is floating mid-air above a bouncy mushroom.

Location No.20

Teleport to Yazadaha pool southeast waypoint and head northwest.

Hit the dendro bomb at the side of the stone to elevate the stone and you will find this dendroculus.

Location No.21

Head north from the previous location and you will find this dendroculus under the bridge.

Location No.22

Teleport to Yazadaha pool southeast waypoint and head southeast. This dendroculus is in the hollow tree trunk.

Location No.23

Teleport to Gandharva Ville statue of the seven and head west.

Location No.24

Teleport to Gandharva Ville statue of the seven and head north. Please complete the Aranyaka quest chain if your cave is blocked.

Location No.25

Teleport to the waypoint at the far west of Vanarana and glide northeast.

Location No.26

Teleport to Vanarana statue of the seven and head north.

Location No.27

Teleport to Vanarana statue of the seven and head west.

Climb up the mountain and collect the dendroculus inside the hollow tree trunk.

Location No.28

Teleport to Vanarana statue of the seven and head southwest.

Enter the cave with a lot of sweet flowers and collect dendorculus in the house.

Location No.29

Teleport to Vanarana east waypoint and head northeast.

Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce up to get the dendroculus.

Location No.30

Head southeast from the previous location and swing towards the dendroculus with the help of the star.

Location No.31

Teleport to Vanarana east waypoint and head southwest.

Continue head southwest from the previous location and you will find this dendroculus inside a tent.

Location No.33

Head southwest from the previous location and get the dendroculus with the help of the bouncy mushroom.

Location No.34

Teleport to Vanarana southeast waypoint and head northeast.

Location No.35

Head northwest, Follow the pathway, and explore further until you find a dendroculus.

Location No.36

Teleport to the statue west of the Yazadaha pool and glide west.

Enter the area above the waterfall and head northeast.

Location No.37

Teleport to Fame of Ashvatta northwest waypoint and head northwest. Hit the rock with dendro attacks to get the dendroculus.

Location No.38

Teleport to the Old Vanarana statue of the seven and head northeast. Hit the rock with dendro attacks to get the dendroculus.

Location No.39

Teleport to the waypoint at the far west of Vanarana and glide southeast. The dendroculus is floating mid-air at the entrance of a cave.

Location No.40

Teleport to Sumeru city west waypoint, head west, and climb up the tree branch to collect the dendroculus.

Location No.41

Teleport to Gandharva Ville statue of the seven and head west. Climb up the tree branch and you will find the dendroculus.

Location No.42

Teleport to Yazadaha pool southwest waypoint and head north.

Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce up to collect the dendroculus.

Location No.43

Glide east from the previous location.

Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce up to collect the dendroculus.

Location No.44

Head south from the previous location and collect the dendroculus floating mid-air.

Location No.45

Teleport to Pardis Dhyai north waypoint and head west. Hit the rock with dendro attacks to get the dendroculus.

Location No.46

Head north, enter the cave, and explore further. When you reach the open area, swing to the top of the orange mushroom. The dendroculus is floating mid-air beside the mushroom.

Location No.47

Teleport to the Fragment of Childhood dreams domain and get your way to the higher platform and you will find this dendroculus.

Location No.48

Explore further from the previous location and teleport upward with the help of the stars.

Location No.49

Teleport to Old Vanarana southwest waypoint and head east. The dendroculus is on top of the structure.

Location No.50

Glide northeast from the previous location. Perform a dendro attack on the rock to reveal the dendroculus inside.

Location No.51

Head east and you will find the dendroculus on the tree.

Location No.52

Head southeast from the previous location. The dendroculus is floating on top of a pile of rocks.

Location No.53

Head west and remove the bubble surrounding the dendroculus by hitting charged shots on 3 targets with dendrograna.

Location No.54

Teleport to Old Vanarana southwest waypoint and head south. The dendroculus is floating on top of a structure.

Location No.55

Teleport to Caravan Ribat northeast waypoint and head west. Perform a dendro attack on the rock to reveal the dendroculus inside.

Location No.56

Teleport to Fame of Ashvatha south waypoint and head northeast. Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce up to get the dendroculus.

Location No.57

Glide west from the previous location. Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce up to get the dendroculus.

Location No.58

Teleport to Caravan Ribat northeast waypoint and head northeast. The dendroculus is at the entrance of the cave.

Location No.59

Teleport to Port Ormos northeast waypoint and head northeast. The dendroculus is on top of a tree.

Location No.60

Glide northeast from the previous location. Interact with all 4 flowers around the bubble and defeat the enemies to remove the bubble.

Location No.61

Head northwest from the previous location. The dendroculus is on the tree.

Location No.62

Head northeast from the previous location.

Location No.63

Head east and remove the bubble by hitting all the targets with dendrograna.

Location No.64

Head west and you will find this dendroculus beside a purple flower.

Location No.65

Head northeast from the previous location. This dendroculus is in between tree trunks.

Location No.66

Teleport to Devantaka mountain northeast waypoint and head northeast.

Location No.67

Teleport to Devantaka mountain northeast waypoint and head northwest. Climb up the mountain and keep heading north.

Location No.68

Teleport to Vimara village north waypoint and head east. This dendroculus is beside an Aranara.

Location No.69

Head south from the previous location. Perform a dendro attack on the rock to reveal the dendroculus inside.

Location No.70

Head southeast towards the upper side of the mountain with the help of the stars. This dendroculus is in a broken hut.

Location No.71

Head west and you will find this dendroculus at the cave entrance. You probably collected this dendroculus when doing the Aranyaka quest.

Location No.72

Teleport to Vimara village southwest waypoint and head west. This dendroculus is floating mid-air.

Location No.73

Teleport to Vimara village southwest waypoint and head east. This dendroculus is floating mid-air.

Location No.74

Teleport to Vimara village southwest waypoint and head southwest. Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce up to get the dendroculus.

Location No.75

Head northwest from the previous location. This dendroculus is under the bridge.

Location No.76

Continue northeast and you will find this dendroculus at the dead end.

Location No.77

Teleport to Devantaka mountain statue of the seven and head south. The dendroculus is in the hollow tree trunk.

Location No.78

Continue south and summon a wave rider.

Location No.79

Sail northeast from the previous location and collect the dendroculus on the net.

Location No.80

Head northeast from the previous location.

Location No.81

Teleport to Port Ormos northeast waypoint and glide northwest. This dendroculus is floating in front of the giant ruin guard.

Location No.82

Glide west from the previous location. This dendroculus is inside the hand of the ruin guard.

Location No.83

Head northeast and you will find the dendroculus on top of the mechanical gear.

Location No.84

Teleport to Devantaka mountain southeast waypoint and head southeast by following the pathway provide by the stars.

Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce up to get the dendroculus.

Location No.85

Teleport to Port Ormos northeast waypoint and head southwest.

Stand in front of the blue flower and play the following notes with the vintage lyre, Do So La Mi Do to remove the bubble.

Location No.86

Teleport to Port Ormos northwest waypoint and head northeast. This dendroculus is on top of cogwheel.

Location No.87

Teleport to Port Ormos northwest waypoint and head northeast. This dendroculus is on top of a house.

Location No.88

Teleport to Port Ormos northwest waypoint and head southwest. This dendroculus is in the hollow tree trunk.

Location No.89

Teleport to Port Ormos northwest waypoint and head west. This dendroculus is in the hollow tree trunk.

Location No.90

Teleport to The Dark Valley domain and head southwest.

Perform a dendro attack on the rock to reveal the dendroculus inside.

Location No.91

Teleport to Pardis statue of the seven and head southeast.

Perform a dendro attack on the rock to reveal the dendroculus inside.

Location No.92

Head southeast from the previous location.

Location No.93

Head southwest from the previous location and you will find this dendroculus floating beside the waterfall.

Location No.94

Teleport to Apam Woods southeast waypoint, face north, and climb up the tree.

Location No.95

Glide north and you will find the dendroculus floating at the cave entrance.

Location No.96

Head southwest from the previous location. Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce it to the other tree. Activate the onion with a dendro attack and teleport to the middle to collect the dendroculus.

Location No.97

Teleport to Apam Woods west waypoint and head south.

Perform a dendro attack on the rock to reveal the dendroculus inside.

Location No.98

Head northeast from the previous location and collect the dendroculus above the waterfall.

Location No.99

Teleport to Apam Woods southeast waypoint and head west.

Collect the dendroculus that is floating at the cave entrance.

Location No.100

Teleport to Apam Woods southeast waypoint and head southwest. This dendroculus is floating above the water.

Location No.101

Teleport to Ruins of Dahri southeast waypoint and head west.

Climb up the tree and collect the dendroculus at the top.

Location No.102

Head northwest from the previous location and enter the portal to collect the dendroculus.

Location No.103

Exit from the cave with the portal and head northeast. Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce up. Collect the dendroculus on the tree branch.

Location No.104

Drop down to the bottom and head east with the help of the stars.

Location No.105

Teleport to Ruins of Dahri southeast waypoint and head northeast.

Perform a dendro attack on the rock to reveal the dendroculus inside.

Location No.106

Head southeast from the previous location and collect the dendroculus below the wooden platform.

Location No.107

Continue southeast and perform a dendro attack on the rock to reveal the dendroculus inside.

Location No.108

Teleport to Apam Woods west waypoint head southeast and enter the cave.

Apply electro on the bouncy mushroom and bounce up to collect the dendroculus.

Location No.111

Teleport to Aaru Village waypoint, climb up the building and you will find the dendroculus on the rooftop.

Location No.112

Head northwest from the previous location. Swing yourself to a higher altitude and glide upward to get this dendroculus.

Location No.113

Plunge down and head south.

Location No.114

Swing yourself to a higher altitude and head southwest. The dendroculus is floating under the platform.

Location No.115

Teleport to Abdju Pit domain and head west.

Location No.116

Teleport to Khaj-Nisut west waypoint, head north and climb up the structure.

Location No.117

Glide east and enter the ruin. Go to the right side and plunge down to the lower level.

Move until you see a remarkable chest. The dendroculus is on top of the chest.

Location No.118

Go back to where we came from and along the way, there is a dendroculus hiding behind the broken wall.

Location No.119

Teleport back to the Khaj-Nisut west waypoint, head east, and enter the ruin.

Turn left and go down three levels. Turn right and you will find the dendroculus.

Location No.120

Teleport to Khaj-Nisut southeast waypoint, glide northwest toward the top of the structure.

Location No.121

Glide southwest from the previous location, enter the ruin, and godown to the lower level from the hole on the right side.

Head north and you will find the dendroculus behind the statue.

Location No.122

Teleport to Khaj-Nisut southeast waypoint, glide northeast and collect the dendroculus on top of a rock.

Location No.123

Teleport to Dar al-Shifa northwest waypoint and head southeast. You will find the dendroculus in a hole in the ground.

Location No.124

Remove the breakable rock and go to the lower level. Face west and remove the breakable rock. Glide southwest and remove the breakable rock. Head west and remove another breakable rock. Explore further, turn left and you find the dendroculus.

Location No.125

Teleport to Dar al-Shifa southwest waypoint and glide west towards the tree.

Location No.126

Teleport to Abdju Pit east waypoint and head southeast.

Explore further until you reach a room with two statues, go towards the left side of the room and you will find the dendroculus on the elevator.

Location No.127

Interact with the platform and go to the lower level. Turn left 4 times and interact with the blue stone on the will to summon the elevator. Activate the elevator and collect the dendroculus.

Location No.128

You will find another dendroculus in the northwest direction when you reach the higher platform.

Location No.129

Head northwest goes down the staircase, turn right and keep exploring until you reach the elevator. Summon the elevator and activate the platform to go up to the higher level. The dendroculus is in the southwest direction when you reach the higher level.

Location No.130

Go back to the previous room and turn right towards the elevator. Activate the elevator and go to the lower level. Turn left, turn right and summon the elevator. Activate the elevator to go to the higher level. Head south and jump down to the lower level. Turn left 3 times and then turn right to the lower level. Turn right and activate the elevator to go to the higher level. Head southwest and explore further until you see a mechanism that releases fire rings. Turn right and collect the dendroculus on top of the statue.

Location No.131

Leave the room, turn right and explore further until you reach a big room with two standing statues. Swing up to the higher platform, summon the elevator and activate it to ascend to the higher platform. The dendroculus is right behind the statue.

Location No.132

Teleport to Sobek Oasis northeast waypoint and climb up the structure at northeast.

Location No.133

Teleport to Valley of Dahri northeast waypoint, face southeast, look upward and swing yourself to the top and get the dendroculus.

Location No.134

Teleport to Dune of Elusion east waypoint and head northeast.

Location No.135

Continue glide east towards the top of Fatui camp.

Location No.136

Teleport to Valley of Dahri statue of the seven head north and enter the hole.

Glide west after entering the hole and you will find the dendroculus floating mid-air.

Location No.137

Teleport to Valley of Dahri southwest waypoint and head northeast.

Swing up and glide towards the dendroculus on the tree branch.

Location No.138

Head northwest from the previous location and enter the ruin below.

Keep on exploring until you reach the end of the ruin.

Swing up to the higher platform at the left side of the room and climb up the tree branch to reach the dendroculus.

Location No.139

Teleport to Valley of Dahri southwest waypoint and head southeast.

Look upward and swing up to the higher platform. The dendroculus in on the tree branch.

Location No.140

Continue southeast from the previous location and you will find the dendroculus on the giant ruin.

Location No.141

Teleport to Valley of Dahri northwest waypoint and head south. If the route is blocked, make sure you complete Afratu’s Dilemma world quest.

Location No.142

Head southeast and climb up the root. The dendroculus is hiding behind the cogwheel.

Location No.143

Teleport to Valley of Dahri statue of the seven and head south.

Enter the cave on the left side and you will find the dendroculus at the end of the cave.

Location No.144

Teleport to Valley of Dahri Statue of the seven and head east.

Enter the cave and you will find the dendroculus floating on the left side.

Location No.145

Teleport to the Dune of Elusion east waypoint and head west. The dendroculus is on top of the tree.

Location No.146

Teleport to the Dune of Elusion waypoint and head northwest. Find you way to the top of the pyramid.

Location No.147

Head south from the previous location.

Light up all 3 Pyro monuments with Pyro attacks and collect the dendroculus.

Location No.148

Teleport to the Dune of Magma waypoint and head southwest.

Enter the ruin, turn right and go down the staircase.

Release the blue orb and follow it until it rests on the mechanism in front of the door.

Go back to the previous room and go through the door on the right side, Activate the elevator to descend.

Rotate the mechanism in the middle once to generate the blue orb.

Release the blue orb and rotate the mechanism once to open the door.

Rotate the mechanism one more time to stop the fan.

Follow the blue orb back to its pillar.

Collect the blue pyramid on top of the newly spawned common chest and place it on the glowing tile.

Rotate the mechanism twice to unlock the door.

Proceed to the next room and rotate the mechanism in the middle twice to summon the elevator.

Activate the elevator and go up to the higher level.

Pick up to blue pyramid and interact with the stone on the right side of the wall to open the door.

Place the blue pyramid on the glowing tile, release the blue orb and follow it back to its pillar.

The door will open after blue orbs go back to their pillars.

Explore further and jump into the gap at the right corner of the room.

Defeat the enemy and the door in front will open.

Go through the door and activate the elevator to go up and the dendroculus will appear right in front of you.

Location No.149

Explore further and interact with the stone on the wall to open the door.

Leave the ruin and head northeast.

Activate the book to turn on the fan. Glide upward to get the dendroculus and a blue pyramid (above the dendroculus).

Location No.150

Glide north and place the blue pyramid on the flowing tile.

Flip the sandglass to start the challenge, keep yourself to the right and interact with the other 2 sandglasses.

Head south and you will find the dendroculus below you.

Location No.151

Head northeast from the previous location and collect the dendroculus on top of the pillar.

Location No.152

Teleport to the Mausoleum of king Deshret northwest waypoint and glide upward towards the north.

Location No.153

Drop down to the ground, enter the ruin and pick up the blue pyramid on the left side.

Place it on the glowing tile and release the blue orb when the fan stop spinning.

Wait for the second fan to stop spinning and release the blue orb.

Follow the blue orb back to its pi8llar and glide upwards with the help of the wind current. We need to remove the barrier.

Go back to the entrance and get the blue pyramid.

Glide upward and place it on the glowing tile. Remove the barrier by interacting with the mechanism.

Go up to the higher level, pick up the pyramid and drop down from the gap.

Place it on the glowing tile and interact with the mechanism to remvoe the wall in front of us.

Glide upward and explore further until you reach a room with a time-limited challenge in the middle.

Start the challenge and complete it within the time limit.

The elevator will appear after you complete the challenge.

Activate the elevator and go up to the higher level.

Interact with the book and collect the dendroculus behind the statue.

Location No.154

Teleport to the Dune of the Carouses northwest domain and head wouthweast. Swing to the top and get the dendroculus.

Location No.155

Teleport to the Dune of Carouses northeast waypoint and head southeast. The dendroculus is hiding behind three wooden crates.

Location No.156

Teleport to the Dune of Carouses northeast waypoint and head southwest.

Enter the ruin, go through the door on the left side and you will find the dendroculus.

Location No.157

Teleport to Khemenu Temple statue of the seven and head northwest. The dendroculus is floating the platform.

Location No.158

Glide west from the previous location towards the wind current. You will find the dendroculus at the end of the route.

Location No.159

Teleport to Khemenu Temp0le statue of the seven and head south. The dendroculus is on top of a statue.

Location No.160

Head southwest from the previous location.

Location No.161

Continue west and you will find the dendroculus hiding beside the staircase.

Location No.162

Teleport to the Mausoleum of king Deshret east waypoint and head west.

Turn right three times and you will find the dendroculus.

Location No.163

Go back to the main room and go through the southern door.

Turn left twice and you will find the dendroculus.

Location No.164

Teleport to the Dune of Magma waypoint head west and drop down to the lower level. The dendroculus is floating mid-air.

Location No.165

Teleport to the Dune of Magma north waypoint and head northeast.

Location No.166

Teleport to the Dune of Magma north waypoint, head west and explore further until you reach an area with lots of big glowing mushroom.

Swing your way to the top of the mushroom and collect the dendroculus.

Location No.167

Teleport to the Mausoleum of King Deshret southwest waypoint and head northwest.

Swing to the higher platform and you will find the dendroculus at a corner.

Location No.168

Descend to the lower level, head north and explore further until you see a dendroculus on top of the statue.

Location No.169

Head southwest from the previous location, explore further until you see a tree with dendroculus.

Location No.170

Teleport to the Mausoleum of King Deshret north waypoint and head south. The dendroculus is on top of pillar.

Location No.171

Continue south from the previous location and turn left twice.

Climb up from the side as there is an invisible platform below the dendroculus.

Location No.172

Teleport to the Mausoleum of King Deshret north waypoint and head south. Go to the back of the hologram pyramid and you will find the dendorculus.

Location No.173

Teleport to the Mausoleum of King Deshret south waypoint, head north and enter the blue glowing pyramid.

Head south and descend slowly until you reach the gap below the floating rock and pyramid.

Location No.174

Teleport to the Mausoleum of King Deshret southeast waypoint, head norteast and go through the door on the right side.

Turn left twice and drop down two-level and you will find the dendroculus in front of a fan.

Location No.175

Teleport to Khemenu Temple west waypoint and head west.

Go through the door on the right side, keep moving forwards nad you will see the dendroculus.

Location No.176

Teleport to Khemenu Temple west waypoint, head south and explore futher. You will find the dendroculus on top of a boat.

Location No.177

Head west and drop down to the lower level.

Head east to the other room and dropdown to the lower level.

Turn left, keep moving forward and you will find the dendroculus floating mid-air at the broken bridge

Location No.178

Head west from the previous location, keep exploring until you reach and area with wooden structures.

Climb up the structure and glide towards the dendroculus.

Location No.179

Teleport to Khemenu Temple west waypoint and head west.

Go through the door on the left side, turn right and drop down to the lower level.

Head southwest to collect the blue pyramid and place it on the glowing tile.

Rotate the mechanism in the middle once, release the blue orb and follow it back to its pillar.

Teleport to the Mausoleum of King Deshret southeast waypoint, head south and explore further.

Swing to the higher platform and get the blue pyramid.

Swing to the other side and place it on the glowing tile.

Release the blue orb and follow it back to its pillar.

Teleport to the Mausoleum of King Deshret southeast waypoint, head north and drop down to the lower platform.

Interact with the mechanism on the right side once to move the stone to shoot on the Anemo monument. You need both stone to shoot on two Anemo monuments to generate the wind current.

Swing to the middle and glide upward to get the dendroculus.

Location No.180

Teleport to the Dune of Elusion waypoint and head soutwest.

Enter the ruin and activate the elevator to the lower level.

After swinging to the other side, face east and drop down to the lower level.

Interact with the triangular mechanism to remove the platform in the middle.

Try to find your way to the lower level with the help of the elevator.

Turn left and open the gate by interacting with the stone on the wall.

Release the blue orb and let it rest on the next mechanism.

Release the blue orb and follow it back it its pillar.

Interact with the book again to generate the wind current.

Glide upward and activate the electo monuments in the correct order. (based on the number of enemy at the corner)

Head west and unlock the door by interacting with the sotne on the wall.

Defeat the enemies in the room and proceed to the next room.

Activate the elevator and you will find the dendroculus at the higher level.

If you’ve collected all dendroculus in 3.0 and 3.1, you should be able to get level 7 with 23 extra dendroculus.

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