Aliens: Fireteam Elite – PC Save Game

Aliens: Fireteam Elite pits players against hordes of aliens, including the renowned Xenomorphs from the Alien film franchise. Players can work together to rescue survivors, acquire intelligence, and eliminate alien hives. Players can personalize their character to fit their playstyle by selecting from several weapons and perks.

Where is the save game folder in Aliens: Fireteam Elite?

You’d need to extract the remote folder based on your operating systems in the save folder. The specified path for save game folder of each operating system is given below:

Windows Other:

You need to access the LocalAppData folder and open the Saved folder within the Endeavor directory. Inside this folder, you’ll discover the save game path associated with the game.

Windows Other: “%LocalAppData%\Endeavor\Saved\SaveGames”


On a Linux system, start by locating the Steam installation folder. Then, navigate to the compat data folder within steamapps to access the save game files path for your game.

Linux: “.steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata/1549970/pfx”

How Do I Install the Save File?

First, you will need to download the save game file and extract it with the help of WinZip. After that, you have to copy the save file to a save games location and make sure to have a backup of your save.  

Important: Always back up the save file before replacing it with the new one.

Download Save File:

Everything is completed in this save file.

Download Link: