All Weapons in Black Mesa Xen

This guide will provide you with the details of all the weapons being used in Black Mesa Xen. You will find out the RPM, damage, and different features of these weapons. 

Weapon NamesDescription
Barnacle GrappleBarnacle Grapple is an organic weapon/grapple that shoots out a tongue to latch onto organic objects, and Adrian Shephard uses it.
Black Mesa Ceiling TurretIt is a turret that fires automatically and will keep shooting until it runs out of ammo or you turn it off.
Black Mesa CrossbowThe Crossbow is a weapon used by Gordon Freeman in Black Mesa. It fires feathered darts that can cause a lot of damage, and it can hold up to 50 darts at a time and has excellent accuracy.
Colt PythonThe Colt Python is a revolver used by the Black Mesa security forces. It fires 357 Magnum rounds and uses a 6-round speed loader/moon clip.
CrowbarThe Crowbar is a tool used by Black Mesa; it does five damage in Half-Life, ten damage in Half-Life 2 and Half-Life 2: Deathmatch, and 25 damage in Half-Life 2: Deathmatch. It is swung to strike opponents and has a melee range. Other melee weapons can counter it.
Desert EagleThe Desert Eagle is a gas-operated semi-automatic pistol that the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit uses. It fires .357 Magnum rounds and holds seven rounds per magazine; it can also hold 36 rounds in reserve. The Desert Eagle makes 34 points of damage per hit and has a rate of fire of 267 RPM (without laser sight) or 120 RPM (with laser sight).
Displacer CannonThe Displacer Cannon is a prototype teleportation weapon used by Black Mesa; it has a magazine size of 100 rounds and fires depleted uranium-235 rounds. It is very accurate and has a medium to long range.
Glock 17The Glock 17 is a handgun used by the Black Mesa and Hazardous Environment Combat Unit; it fires 9mm rounds and has a magazine size of 17 rounds. It can also fire in a 300 RPM secondary mode.
Gluon GunThe Gluon Gun is a powerful experimental weapon used by Black Mesa. It fires a continuous beam of depleted uranium-235 that can penetrate through enemies and obstacles. It has a magazine size of 100 rounds and a rate of fire of 600 RPM (single-player) or 300 RPM (multiplayer).
HECU Laser TripmineIt is a powerful explosive that is attached to a surface. It emits a beam that creates a tripwire after a few seconds. It is best used in close quarters.
HECU RPGThe HECU RPG is a laser-guided rocket launcher used by the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit. It has a magazine size of 1 and maximum ammunition of 5. The rocket launcher deals 100 damage and has high accuracy. It can be either unguided or guided.
Mark IV Thermonuclear DeviceThe Mark IV Thermonuclear Device is a thermonuclear warhead used by the Black Ops and Adrian Shephard. It was stolen by the Black Ops and activated by Adrian Shephard but was later deactivated by The G-Man.
Mk 2 GrenadeThe Mk 2 Grenade is a fragmentation hand grenade used by the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit. It has maximum ammunition of 10 and does 100 damage. It has a rate of fire of 60 RPM and a range of medium.
MP5The MP5 is a submachine gun and assault rifle. It is used by the Hazardous Environment Combat Unit, Black Mesa, Military Police, and Black Ops. It is made by Heckler & Koch.
Pipe WrenchThe Pipe Wrench is a tool and melee weapon used by the Black Mesa personnel. It takes 10 points of damage with each primary attack and between 45 and 200+ points of damage with each secondary attack. It swings at 80 swings per minute with the primary attack and 60 swings per minute with the secondary attack.
Satchel ChargeSatchel Charges are explosives that you can detonate remotely. They are carried by Gordon Freeman, Adrian Shephard, and HECU soldiers in the Topside Motorpool. They cause a great deal of damage and can take out enemies or obstacles.
SPAS-12The SPAS-12 is a shotgun that can fire either pump-action or semi-automatic. The Hazardous Environment Combat Unit uses it. The shotgun has an eight-shell magazine size for HL1 and a six-shell magazine size for HL2. It fires 12-gauge buckshot shells. The maximum ammunition you can carry for the shotgun is 125 for HL1 and 30 for HL2.
Spore LauncherThe Spore Launcher is a bioweapon that fires grenades. It has a magazine size of 5 and can hold up to 20 rounds. It does 90 damage if it hits the target directly and 50 damage on average from the splash damage. It has a rate of fire of 120 RPM and is very accurate.
Tau CannonThe Tau Cannon is a powerful particle accelerator that can shoot uranium-235 pellets. It has a magazine size of 100 and maximum ammunition of 100. It does 20 damage per shot and has excellent accuracy. It can shoot 300 shots per minute with the primary attack and 110 shots per minute with the secondary attack.
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