Atlas Fallen Tips and Tricks

In this guide, you will find the best tips and tricks that are required to get the best in-game experience while playing Atlas Fallen.

  • While you’re exploring the game world, keep an eye out for interactive objects such as white shiny items and chests. Whenever you come across white shiny items scattered on the ground, make sure to pick them up.
  • Approach chests that you encounter during your exploration and interact with them to open them.
    Chests often contain valuable items, including artefacts. As you pick up white shiny items and open chests, you’ll obtain artefacts as part of your loot.
  • Once you’ve gathered a collection of artefacts, find a vendor in the game world.
  • Interact with the vendor and navigate to the section where you can sell items. Look for your artefacts and choose to sell them.
    This will reward you with in-game currency, usually gold or coins.
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  • Make sure you’re at a significant height, such as on a ledge or a high platform.
  • As you approach the edge and are about to fall, be ready to perform the parry ability.
  • Just before hitting the ground, trigger your character’s parry ability.
    This ability is often used for defensive purposes in combat.
  • The timing is critical here. You need to activate the parry ability at the right moment before you make contact with the ground.
    When you activate the parry ability at the right time, it can act as a cushioning mechanism, allowing your character to land safely without taking any fall damage.
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  • While exploring the game world, keep an eye out for regular animals that appear to be sparkling with a gold shimmer.
  • When you spot one of these sparkling animals, approach them slowly and cautiously.
  • Watch the animal’s behaviour closely. Pay attention to its movements and actions. After a short while, the animal might pause and look at the ground in a specific area.
    When the animal looks at the ground, it’s indicating that there’s a hidden item buried beneath that spot. By interacting with the spot, you’ll uncover a hidden item or treasure.
  • Collect it to add it to your inventory.
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  • While engaged in combat, if you’re facing an enemy that can go underground (burrow), take note of their movements and attacks.
  • Allow the enemy to go underground as part of its attack pattern.
  • Position your character above the spot where the enemy disappeared underground. You need to be ready to jump and perform a downward slam attack.
  • Time your slam attack so that it lands directly above the enemy’s location while they are still underground.
  • If executed correctly, your character’s slam attack will hit the enemy underground, causing them to be stunned and forced to surface.
  • While the enemy is stunned and emerging from underground, take advantage of the opening to unleash a powerful attack of attacks.
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  • As you progress through the main story quests of the game, you will encounter various challenges, enemies, and objectives that you need to complete.
  • Engage with the main story quests and follow the objectives given to you.
    These quests will take you through different locations, battles, and narrative events. As you continue to complete main story quests, you will eventually reach a point where the game rewards you with armour.
  • Take a moment to examine the stats and attributes of the new armour. Compare them to your current equipment and consider how they align with your preferred playstyle.
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  • Explore the game’s world and interact with vendors and NPCs to discover the availability of armour dye.
  • Some vendors in the game offer armour dye for sale that can be used to change the appearance and color of your armour.
  • Engage in side quests that involve helping NPCs, solving puzzles, or completing specific tasks.
  • Once you have obtained armour dye, access your inventory or character customization menu.
  • Locate the armour piece you wish to dye and select the option to apply the dye.
    When applying the dye, you’ll likely have the option to choose from the colours available to you.
  • Select the colour that you want to change your armour piece.
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  • As you explore the game world, keep an eye out for anvils located at various points.
    Anvils serve as fast travel points that allow you to teleport between them.
  • When you come across an anvil, approach it and interact with it.
    Upon interacting with the anvil, a fast travel menu or interface will open.
  • Use the interface to navigate the map and choose the destination you want to travel to.
  • Once you’ve selected your desired destination, confirm your choice within the fast travel menu.
    After confirming, your character will undergo a teleportation animation, and you’ll be instantly transported to the chosen anvil’s location.
  • Utilize anvils strategically to reduce travel time between distant locations.
    This is particularly useful when you need to reach a specific area quickly.
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As you progress through the game, you’ll unlock new areas and regions to explore. These new areas might contain quests, resources, and points of interest.

  • To fast travel between new and old areas, open the world map.
    On the world map, you’ll find various icons and markers representing different locations you’ve visited and unlocked.
  • Switch between different maps to access different areas.
    Within the old area, you’ll likely have multiple fast travel points that you’ve unlocked, such as towns, camps, or other significant locations.
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  • As you navigate through the game’s world, be on the lookout for chests placed in various locations.
  • Keep an eye out for shiny or sparkling objects in the environment. When you spot a shiny object or a chest, approach it and interact with it.
  • Interacting with the chest will trigger the opening animation. Check the contents of the chest to see if it contains any cosmetic items for your character.
    Cosmetic items can include outfits, accessories, skins, or other visual enhancements that allow you to customize your character’s appearance.
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  • Ensure you have the Sand Whip equipped as your weapon. Identify one or more enemies that you want to engage in combat.
    Maneuver your character so that you have a clear line of sight to the enemies you want to attack.
  • Position yourself at a reasonable distance from the enemies to initiate the heavy attack.
  • Begin charging the heavy attack of the Sand Whip to pull you towards enemies, closing the gap between you and your targets.
  • Once the heavy attack is fully charged, release the attack button.
    The Sand Whip’s ability will trigger, causing your character to be pulled toward the targeted enemies.
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