Battle Cry of Freedom – Controls Guide

Battle Cry of Freedom is a shooting game set in the American Civil War. Players can choose to play as either Union or Confederate troops, with each side with its own unique objectives, weapons, and abilities. The immersive historical setting of Battle Cry of Freedom makes it very appealing to all types of gamers.

In this guide, you’ll find all the Controls to play Battle Cry of Freedom.

Attack, cycle players into spectators, and plant an objectLeft Mouse ButtonPress Left Mouse Button to Attack
Fire gunLeft Mouse ButtonPress Left Mouse Button to Fire gun
Block, aim, cycle players in the spectator, and cancel planting/music/aiming cannonRight Mouse ButtonPress Right Mouse Button to Block
Aim weapon or binocularsRight Mouse ButtonPress Right Mouse Button to Aim a weapon or binoculars
ForwardWPress W to Move Forward
BackwardSPress S to Move Backward
LeftAPress A to Move Left
RightDPress D to Move Right

Toggles on/off to automatically move forward if NONE of the other movement direction inputs are being active

First PersonVPress V to switch to First Person
Aim down sight/Switch cannon viewBPress B to Aim down sight
Lean LeftQPress Q to Lean Left
Lean RightEPress E to Lean Right
CrouchLeft CtrlPress Left Ctrl to Crouch
Open OrdersMiddle Mouse ButtonPress Middle Mouse Button to Open Orders
Call outZPress Z to Call out
Toggle WalkLeft AltPress Left Alt to Toggle Walk
SprintLeft ShiftPress Left Shift to Sprint
JumpSpacebarPress Spacebar to Jump
PushEPress E to Push

Quickly change ammunition

Drop ItemGPress G to Drop Item
Inventory item 01Press 1 to Open Inventory item 0
Inventory item 12Press 2 to Open Inventory item 1
Inventory item 23Press 3 to Open Inventory item 2
Inventory item 34Press 4 to Open Inventory item 3
Inventory item 45Press 5 to Open Inventory item 4
Inventory item 56Press 6 to Open Inventory item 5
Interact/Stop using/Send duel requestFPress F to Interact
Find all nearby weaponsFPress F to Find all nearby weapons
Rotate prop +Press to Rotate prop +
Rorate prop –Press to Rorate prop –
Toggle melee and construction modeXPress X to Toggle melee and construction mode
Right Shoulder ShiftYPress Y to Right Shoulder Shift
CheerCPress C to Cheer
Toggle BayonetNPress N to Toggle Bayonet
ReloadRPress R to Reload
SalitePPress P to Salite
Parade RestOPress O to Parade Rest
Push to talkCaps LockPress Caps Lock to Push to talk


Troop MenuF10Press F10 to Troop Menu
Sapper and Music menuJPress J to Sapper and Music menu
Regular ChatTPress T to Open Regular Chat
Admin ChatUPress U to Open Admin Chat
LogsLPress L to Open Logs
ScoreboardTabPress Tab to Open Scoreboard
Spawn MenuMPress M to Open Spawn Menu
Repeat last build orderNPress N to Repeat the last build order
Toggle Advanced HUDHPress H to Toggle Advanced HUD
InventoryIPress I to Open Inventory
Quickly open the server settings menuI or Right CtrlPress I or Right Ctrl to Quickly open the server settings menu
Quickly open the change maps menuM or Right CtrlPress M or Right Ctrl to Quickly open the change maps menu
Get nearby playersSemicolonPress Semicolon to Get nearby players
Open Admin Menu for playersU or Right CtrlPress U or Right Ctrl to Open Admin Menu for players
Advanced admin toggleU or Right ShiftPress U or Right Shift to Advanced admin toggle
Advanced scoreboard toggleT or Right ShiftPress T or Right Shift to Advanced scoreboard toggle
Vote yes on a duel requestF1Press F1 to Vote yes on a duel request
Vote no on a duel requestF2Press F2 to Vote no on a duel request
Vote yes on a poll requestF1Press F1 to Vote yes on a poll request
Vote no on a poll requestF2Press F2 to Vote no on a poll request

Commander Battle

Bot Command Move OrdersF1Press F1 to Move Command Orders
Bot Command Formation OrdersF2Press F2 to Bot Command Formation Orders
Bot Command Fire OrdersF3Press F3 to Bot Command Fire Orders
Bot Command Weapons OrdersF4Press F4 to Bot Command Weapons Orders
Bot Cannon/Sapper CommandsF5Press F5 to Bot Cannon/Sapper Commands
Bot Speed CommandsF6Press F6 to Bot Speed Commands
Hold Position markerF1Press F1 to Hold the Position marker
Aim here markerF3Press F3 to Use Aim here marker
Command 1F1Press F1 to Use Command 1
Command 2F2Press F2 to Use Command 2
Command 3F3Press F3 to Use Command 3
Command 4F4Press F4 to Use Command 4
Command 5F5Press F5 to Use Command 5
Command 6F6Press F6 to Use Command 6
Command 7F7Press F7 to Use Command 7
Command 8F8Press F8 to Use Command 8
Command 9F9Press F9 to Use Command 9


Look around your characterBack QuotePress Back Quote to Look around
Move camera at character walk speedCommaPress Comma to Move the camera
Move camera at character run speedPeriodPress Period to Move camera to the character
Move camera at character sprint speedSlashPress Slash to Move the camera at character sprint speed
Move camera at the first bookmarkLeft Mouse ButtonPress Left Mouse Button to move the camera at the first bookmark
Cycle to the previous playerRight Mouse ButtonPress Right Mouse Button to Cycle to the previous player
Zoom camera inEqualsPress = to Zoom camera in
Zoom camera outMinusPress – to Zoom camera out
Move spectator camera upwardsQPress Q to Move the spectator camera upwards
Move spectator camera downwardsEPress E to Move the spectator camera downwards
Move spectator camera fasterLeft ShiftPress Left Shift to Move the spectator camera faster
Move spectator camera slowerLeft CtrlPress Left Ctrl to Move the spectator camera slower
Move camera to the first bookmarkF1Press F1 to move the camera to the first bookmark
Move camera to the second bookmarkF2Press F2 to move the camera to the second bookmark
Move camera to the third bookmarkF3Press F3 to move the camera to the third bookmark
Move camera to the fourth bookmarkF4Press F4 to move the camera to the fourth bookmark
Move camera to the fifth bookmarkF5Press F5 to move the camera to the fifth bookmark
Set the first camera bookmarkF1 or Left ShiftPress F1 or Left Shift to Set the first camera bookmark
Set the second camera bookmarkF2 or Left ShiftPress F2 or Left Shift to Set the second camera bookmark
Set the third camera bookmarkF3 or Left ShiftPress F3 or Left Shift to Set the third camera bookmark
Set the fourth camera bookmarkF4 or Left ShiftPress F4 or Left Shift to Set the fourth camera bookmark
Set the fifth camera bookmarkF5 or Left ShiftPress F5 or Left Shift to Set the fifth camera bookmark

Map Editor

Open the Map EditorE or Left CtrlPress E or Left Ctrl to Open the Map Editor
Open the Scene selection for the Map EditorM or Left CtrlPress M or Left Ctrl to Open the Scene selection for the Map Editor
Plant a scene prop or select one while not placing a propLeft Mouse ButtonPress Left Mouse Button to Plant a scene prop or select one while not placing a prop
Hold this button while dragging your mouse to make a selection boxLeft Mouse ButtonPress Left Mouse Button to Hold this button while dragging your mouse to make a selection box
Hold this to rotate the camera while in editor modeRight Mouse ButtonPress Right Mouse Button to Hold this to rotate the camera while in editor mode
Cancel planting the scene propRight Mouse ButtonPress Right Mouse Button to Cancel planting the scene prop
Continue planting a scene prop or selecting more than one in the sceneLeft CtrlPress Left Ctrl to Continue planting a scene prop or selecting more than one in the scene
Delete the selected propDelPress Del to Delete the selected prop
Quick toggle to start or cancel the selected propSpacebarPress Spacebar to Quick toggle to start or cancel the selected prop
Move up one prefab from your selected one while plantingUp ArrowPress Up Arrow to Move up one prefab from your selected one while planting
Move down one prefab from your selected one while plantingDown ArrowPress Down Arrow to Move down one prefab from your selected one while planting
Duplicated the selected prop(s)D or Left CtrlPress D or Left Ctrl to Duplicated the selected prop(s)
Save the rotation of a scene propR or Left ShiftPress R or Left Shift to Save the rotation of a scene prop
Rotate a scene prop to the saved rotationRPress R to Rotate a scene prop to the saved rotation
Hold this + mouse to drag the scene prop aroundGPress G to Hold this + mouse to drag the scene prop around
Hold this + mouse to select which spot to use for snapping. Plant prop to snap. *Only on props that canVPress V to Hold this + mouse to select which spot to use for snapping.
Hold this + mouse to change the scale of the scene propBPress B to Hold this + mouse to change the scale.
Hold this + mouse to rotate the scene prop along the X-axisXPress X to Hold this + mouse to rotate.
Hold this + mouse to rotate the scene prop along the Y-axisYPress Y to Hold this + mouse to rotate the scene prop along the Y-axis
Hold this + mouse to rotate the scene prop along the Z-axisZPress Z to Hold this + mouse to rotate the scene prop along the Z-axis
Hold this + mouse to change the height of the scene propTPress T to Hold this + mouse to change the height of the scene prop
Hold this to change the height of the terrainLeft Mouse ButtonPress the Left Mouse Button to Hold this to change the height of the terrain
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