Beginner’s Guide – Elden Ring

In this guide, you will find all the details for a new player on how to play the Elden Ring. Go through the guide and follow all the instructions carefully to become a good player. 

Character Creation

You can change your parent’s name and gender earlier after starting the game. You will not be able to change your class and keepsake. Ring classes are starting points, but you cannot find starting equipment easily. So you need to pick what best represents your game style, like astrologer, samurai, or confessor. The astrologer is a mage built with an accessible range that will give you lots of room to breed. 

The samurai has good armor and a wicked katana. The confessor can be turned into a paladin for your faith strength combos. You’ll want to pick the golden seed lands between room or stone’s word key. The health talisman is an easy pickup for the game. 

Initial Tips

The game gives you several early tutorials to introduce you to controls and the basics of multiplayer mechanics. If you’re new to the game, you need to pay attention to the basics. You can read all these tips in your inventory under info, so you don’t have to worry. If you missed something to set the tone of the game, then you first need to obtain a few essential items and go to the site of grace at your starting point, which is the stranded graveyard. Then the one outside the first step runs directly north to Ella’s church. The merchant here has three main items you’ll want.

So you have to buy the torch crafting kit and telescope as soon as possible, then head over to the front gate of the ruins by the following grace. You’ll meet Melinda, and then you have to obtain your mount. Be sure to get the whetstone knife item that allows you to slot ashes of war on your weapon inside the ruin. When it no longer occurs automatically, you can begin exploring the malgrave at your own pace. Make sure to return to the church of Ella after you’ve made some progress and rest at the sight of grace. 

It will unlock a conversation with Renna that gives you loneloth ashes and the spirit calling bell. You will need to use spirit ashes in the game to make progress in your career.

Combat Tips 

If you’re new to souls, then there are many things to unpack, depending on the depth of the combat. First, you need to keep yourself alive using gear tactics and mount for gear. You’ll want to get equipment that suits your build or playstyle and is easy to pick up. 

You can also sort it out yourself by opening the equipment tab, using the comparison tables, and finding the items near you. After that, you need to get the brass shield from the guards on the gate front ruins as it has 100 physical blocks and the demi-human queen staff from the weeping peninsula’s demi-human forest ruins.

You will need to get the barricade shield from the knight’s cavalry and the weeping peninsula from the Flinstone phalanx. It will be very useful; you can check its location for tactics. It’s best not to approach groups of enemies in total. When exploring catacombs and runes, you always have to check the corners and ceilings as you will find enemies waiting in ambush hidden at clever angles.

You need to play and backstab stronger enemies and run away until they lose aggro, and then you have to turn around and kill them. If you get stuck, you must consider returning later with your gear, ashes of war, and spells. You also need to experiment with the many consumables available to apply damage effects to your weapons, throw bombs at enemies or boost your defenses.

Your mount is a significant part of combat. Many encounters, particularly dragons, are best to use in the games. If you can check, your spells will fire in the direction you are facing. So you have to be looking towards enemies to hit them. Everyone needs to use torrent’s sprint to get out of enemy range but be mindful that this consumes stamina. An essential combat mount is if you’re fighting mounted, your weight doesn’t matter. If you’re on the torrent, you can equip the heaviest armor in your inventory and move at the same speed. It is indispensable for avoiding damage in many encounters, so make full use of it when fighting knights, cavalry dragons, and any mount-friendly boss.


Elden ring is a game that heavily rewards exploration. Don’t leave any specific location unchecked; stone’s word key imp gates. These gates require a  stone’s word key. There are many of these around, so be sure to purchase any you see from vendors. Catacombs have ghosts, and grave glove warts used to upgrade your spear dashes.

You’ll also find more spirit ashes within these sections that usually have traps and puzzles to solve catacomb puzzles are solved in one of these ways gain access to a different floor either by finding a ladder jumping on top of the fire and standing traps to rise with them or dropping under elevators b access a remote area some catacombs have loosely walls that you must hit to reveal hidden path caves and tunnels usually have special equipment and ore. 

Most lifts have midway drop-off points that guide you to some special equipment. When you see a tunnel make sure you go in and gather as many upgrade materials as are available. Towers and rises have magic and magic equipment. They will give you memory slots that are indispensable for ages. T towers feature several puzzles, including finding wise beasts, and turtle spirits have hidden around the area, and sometimes clinging to walls, trees, or even cliffs; other puzzles require you to make a gesture.

So make sure to collect the motions. There is an invisible platform. You also need to visit nearby cliffs and look for misty signals like air militia camps with good equipment and spells. So make sure to kill them out when you find them. 

There are quests associated with these; you receive essential materials you can run by any giant boss or section you feel you’re not ready for. Find a nearby side of grace and summon some help if you need to be aware that you’re about to be invaded by an NPC if you get dismounted while exploring. Some of these encounters can be very difficult, so always make sure to unlock every side of grace when you see them.


The game doesn’t give you firm guidance on what to do or where to go. You get hints from NPC dialogue and item descriptions, so this is where you need to focus on planning your progression. You’ll find yourself roaming about, wondering if this is where you should be, as the game has areas with noticeable difficulty spikes.

Your best bet is to book our game progress route as it will evolve to include all NPC side quests, and as such, your immediate aim should be to do limb grave weeping peninsula and storm hill before heading into stormvale castle. From here, you should go north to the lernia of the lakes. If you get stuck, revisit NPCs and trigger their dialogue to determine where they tell you to go or read your key item’s inventory descriptions.

If all else fails, the wiki is always there. It is a massive game with multiple branching paths and secret locations that NPC and quest progression can only access. Avoid being overwhelmed by it by approaching the game methodically and not rushing from one zone to the next or skipping dialogues for your character. Upgrades outpace leveling. Putting more points into your stats without upgrading your weapons will yield subpar results. Gather upgrades from your spirit summons and guns and improve your chosen armaments often and diligently.

It would help if you also focused on your stats; spreading them about does not help, and you’ll not be able to respect them until after the main boss of the legacy dungeons and learning of lakes which is at level 50. Upgrade vigor, endurance, and your primary weapon stat, strength, agility, faith, or intelligence. A special smith and western learning of the lake sells several; you can also find bell bearings to give to the twin maiden husks and unlock purchases of all upgrade materials for your weapons. 

You can freely change affinity to optimize their scaling to your desired stats and apply valuable skills in combat. There is no best weapon or best armor, but many pieces have special effects. We have made a list of equipment with special effects that you can find on the wiki and will help you determine which individual parts to match to optimize your damage output.

NPC Questlines & Inventories

Eldon ring has some of the most complex NPC quest lines in the souls series. It is mainly because the game is so large and non-linear that it’s elementary to miss a step on their progress or advance the main quest past the point where they can be found. It is prudent to keep track of their whereabouts, talk to them whenever possible, and revisit old areas after significant plot points. 

If an NPC disappears or dies, you can find their equipment in a bell bearing at their corpse, or their stock may directly appear with the twin maiden husks at the round table hole. You can also advance your magic progress by giving scrolls to an NPC and learning about the lakes which don’t have a death flag. If you anger an NPC or commit some sin, an absolution mechanic can also be found at the same NPC at the church of vows and eastern luring of the lakes. There is a lot more to learn to master the Eldon ring.

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