Best False Swipe Pokémon in the Pokémon Franchise

False Swipe is a term used in the Pokémon Franchise to refer to when a Pokémon targets another Pokémon with a move that is not meant to cause damage. Want to know the best false swipe Pokémon from those who appear in all games? this is the guide for you.


Sirfetch’d is a Fighting type known as the Wild Duck Pokémon. It weighs 117 kilograms and it is 0.8 meters tall and. Its ability is Steadfast. You can  catch Sirfetch’d with a PokéBall at a 45% rate, and it has a base friendship of 50. It grows at a medium rate and its base experience yield is 177. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps). 


Shedinja is a Bug-type Pokémon, It is 0.8 meters tall and weighs 2.6 pounds. Shedinja is a Shed Pokémon, meaning that it was once a Nincada. It has the ability Wonder Guard. Its base friendship is 50, and its base experience yield is 83. The egg cycles of the pokemon are 15 (3,599–3,855 steps). 


Venusaur is a Grass/Poison type Pokémon that grows faster if it eats leaves. Venusaur was introduced in Generation 1. Its hidden ability is Chlorophyll, which gives it the ability to convert energy from the sun into nutrients for itself. It has high stats in both special attack and special defense, making it an ideal choice for those looking to maximize their damage potential or protect themselves from enemy attacks. Additionally, its catch rate is high when captured with a PokéBall full of HP, making it an easy Pokémon to add to your collection. The egg cycles of the pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).


Scizor is a Bug/Steel-type Pokémon, it is known as the Pincer Pokémon. Scizor was introduced in Generation 2, it has a height of 1.8 m (5′11″) and a weight of 118.0 kg (260.1 lbs). Scizor is not very fast, but it is powerful and knows the move Swarm. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 25 (6,169–6,425 steps). 


Zangoose is a Normal type Pokémon, also known as the Cat Ferret Pokémon. It was introduced in Generation 3. Zangoose is 1.3 m (4’03”) tall and weighs 40.3 kg (88.8 lbs). It has an immunity to Fighting type attacks and an Attack of +2. Its catch rate is 90 with a full HP, and its base friendship is 50. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).


Terrakion is a Fighting/Rock Pokémon from Gen 5, it is 1.9 meters tall, weighs 260.0 kg, and has the ability Justified. Terrakion is known as the Cavern Pokémon, and you can catch it with a PokéBall, and its base friendship will be 35. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 80 (20,304–20,560 steps).


Garchomp is a Dragon/Ground-type Pokémon, it is also known as the Mach Pokémon. Garchomp was introduced in Generation 4, and it has a Mega Evolution, which can be obtained in X and Y. The Garchomp is a Dragon/Ground-type Pokémon that stands at 1.9 m (6’03”) and weighs 95 kg (209.4 lbs). The Sand Veil ability prevents extra damage from Sandstorm, and Rough Skin damages any attacker that hits it with a Physical move. The egg cycles of the pokemon are 40 (10,024–10,280 steps). 


Absol is a Dark-type Pokémon, it is known as the Disaster Pokémon because of its ability to cause disasters. It was introduced in Generation 3. It has a Mega Evolution, available from X & Y onwards. Absol’s Pressure ability makes it difficult for opponents to attack, while its Super Luck ensures that even if it misses an attack, it can still hit its target. Absol has a catch rate of 30 (3.9% with PokéBall, full HP), and it has a base Friendship of 35 (lower than normal). Additionally, Absol’s base Exp. is 163 and its growth rate is medium-slow. Breeding Absol requires 6,169–6,425 steps for an Egg to be produced.


Aegislash is a Steel/Ghost type Pokémon having two forms. The  Shield Forme is more defensive, and Blade Forme is more offensive. Aegislash was introduced in Generation 6. Its ability Stance Change causes Aegislash to change into Shield Forme when a defensive move is used or change into Blade Forme when an attacking move is used. It has high Defense and Special Defense stats, along with a catch rate of 5.9% when caught with a PokéBall full of HP. It grows medium fast and has a breeding cycle of 20 eggs (4,884–5,140 steps).


Pangoro is a Fighting/Dark type Pokémon that was introduced in the sixth generation. Pangoro is also known as Daunting Pokémon, it is 2.1 meters tall and weighs 136 kilograms. Its abilities are Iron Fist and Mold Breaker. You can find Pangoro in the wild at a 65% encounter rate holding a PokéBall and is medium fast growing. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 25 (6,169–6,425 steps). 


Zacian is a Fairy and Steel-type Pokémon that was introduced in Generation 8. It is a Warrior Pokémon with a height of 9 feet 2 inches and weighing 782 pounds. Zacian was created to be the hero of the new generation, so it is not only strong but also has a high friendship level. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 120 (30,584–30,840 steps).


Gallade is a psychic-fighting type of Pokémon having a Mega Evolution, which is from Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire onward. It was introduced in the fourth generation.. It has a height of 1.6 m (5′ 3″) and weighs 52 kg (114 lb). Its ability is Steadfast. The base friendship and base experience yield is 35. It grows slowly. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps).


Smeargle is a Normal-type Pokémon, also known as the Painter Pokémon. It comes from the Painter Pokémon family, it is 1.2 meters tall and weighs 58 kilograms. Its abilities are Own Tempo and Technician. It yields 1 Speed EV point when defeated by a Pokémon with a Poké Ball, and its base friendship is 50. The egg cycles of these pokemon are 20 (4,884–5,140 steps). 

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